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Cataract Surgery

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I'm in the third week of a cataract operation on one eye.The other eye is pretty well useless due to glaucoma. But, my sight seems to change all the time. Is this normal? Whats happening now is that I can't see to read and that's terrible for me. The consultant at the post op said everything was ok and until I could go to an optician in another 3 weeks, I should get some strongest strength reading glasses sold without prescription. They are not working very well!!!

Seems I'll just have to wait for the opticians appointment. Has anyone else had problems like this?

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  • 2 years later...
2 hours ago, classicfan said:

I had mine done and whereas before I could read without my glasses, after the operations, my distance vision was great, I could not read without glasses, but this was explained to me before I agreed to the procedure.

Exactly the same for me. 

I also had cheapo reading glasses which helped (providing you get the right strength.) But as one eye is now short sighted and the other longsighted they were not really ideal.

Now I have prescription reading glasses, and can see just fine.

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My mum didn't need glasses for the first time in 50/60 years, but it settled back down after a few months and now she can see as before, needing glasses but without the cataract issues.

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Are they doing operations again?

My Mum's was postponed due to Corona Virus measures. The final straw was the requirement for 2 weeks isolation both before and after op. She lives in a Sheffield Care home and has dementia which made these requirements impossible to conform to.

I sensed that the hospital were writing her off they seemed to think we were cancelling.

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I had cataract surgery three weeks ago at N.G.H. eye centre. I had to self isolate for 3 days & also had to provide a covid test 72 hours before surgery. I should have had the op. last january but had to cancel.Then it was november before i rescheduled, but i had to ring for appt. Perhaps this may be the best way forwad if your mum still wants the op.

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