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UK driving licences, post Brexit.

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...... In the case of driving licenses all the EU are doing is throwing an unnecessary spanner in the works just to stir the pot.


it's not unnecessary though, we are leaving the EU and that means the body of regulations which allow cross border activity will cease to apply to us and permission to do whatever they permitted to do will end. i'm not sure why you are so upset by this, you voted to leave you must have wanted and expected things like this to happen. You should be rejoicing, why aren't you?

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Quite a lot of brass comes to the South in the form of tourism, I can see no way the Irish would interfere in any way to reduce this. Shoot yourself in the foot comes to mind.




But it will not be up to the Irish Government to decide. It will be an EU wide decision.


Having said that, I doubt there will be a problem, post brexit.

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it's not unnecessary though, we are leaving the EU and that means the body of regulations which allow cross border activity will cease to apply to us and permission to do whatever they permitted to do will end. i'm not sure why you are so upset by this,


But its not about cross border activity though is it, also I'm not upset about it at all as I don't drive. :hihi:

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it's not unnecessary though, we are leaving the EU and that means the body of regulations which allow cross border activity will cease to apply to us and permission to do whatever they permitted to do will end. i'm not sure why you are so upset by this, you voted to leave you must have wanted and expected things like this to happen. You should be rejoicing, why aren't you?


Driving in the Eu will be like driving in any other non Eu country, that is with an International Driving Permit and if you are becoming resident then you must take driving test within a year.

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Dont be daft, its not possible to plan for ALL eventualities as you well know. I will say again it is not up to the voters to make policies but the government who have been democratically elected to do so.


Normally,for a GE,each party produces a manifesto of "things they will do" What is in the leavers' mmanifesto...?

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Brexit is one of the vaguest political soups I have ever seen. Worrying about post B is probably harder than predict next years potato harvest.


One thing is pretty certain that you will not be banned from driving elsewhere whatever flavour the B soup gets.

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This is just more child like behaviour from the Europeans, throwing their doh doh's at us for having the gonads to want to stop being dictated to.

They don't want negotiation they want retribution. Its only because we have a deep history of not folding to dictators that they did not tell us to take the referendum again like they did the Irish.

Anyone who wonders why the majority voted to get out should only have to look at the 'Europeans' attitude towards us post referendum.


Lets just hope we get out before the would be de-railer's finish their smear capaign.

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This is just more child like behaviour from the Europeans, throwing their doh doh's at us for having the gonads to want to stop being dictated to.

They don't want negotiation they want retribution. Its only because we have a deep history of not folding to dictators that they did not tell us to take the referendum again like they did the Irish.

Anyone who wonders why the majority voted to get out should only have to look at the 'Europeans' attitude towards us post referendum.


Lets just hope we get out before the would be de-railer's finish their smear capaign.




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Normally,for a GE,each party produces a manifesto of "things they will do"


And we already know quite well those manifestos are also non binding. This shows as such when the political party that gains power drops and fails to implement parts of the "things they will do."


What is in the leavers' mmanifesto...?


I don't know, did they have one? Oh hang on, it was to leave the EU wasn't it!



But.. lets get back on topic ;)


The EU driving licence in its current form was not adopted until 2013. It was done (from wiki) "to replace the 110 different models currently in existence throughout the EU/EEA." Basically it was to prevent fraud.





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