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Is the age of chivalry dead?

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I've seen umpteen examples of people giving up priority seats on trams to elderly or obviously disabled people. I've also seen people offer their seats but been turned down. I've also seen mothers prioritising their spawn over elderly or disabled people just because, obviously, their precious child is the most important thing in the universe.


At the end of the day it's basic politeness and civility.

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Good manners are good manners, and as such are timeless. They should be much appreciated, (and usually are) by those lucky enough to be on the receiving end.


Parents: please continue to teach good manners to your offspring. They never go out of fashion in spite of all the political correctness in the world, and hopefully will last them a lifetime and be passed on in turn.


All Recipients: please receive with gratitude and good grace, in the spirit with which they're intended. They are part of living in a kinder and more civilised society, which benefits everyone. Shame on you if you make anyone feel bad about offering.

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I think it is. I use the tram to work and regularly see people occupying the 'priority' seats without a second thought for those who might need them more. There's currently a man on crutches who boards at Infirmary Road who, given the overcrowded conditions, has to maintain his balance and that of a young child whilst a woman and her three young children occupy priority seats. The other issue I have is with people occupying the aisle seat whilst the window seat is vacant and when you ask to use the seat they make a big show of giving you access or, even worse, refusing to move their luggage. In the 'olden days' bus conductors would arbitrate these situations. My 30 and 32 year old sons still chivalrously stand up and my 11 year old granddaughter will spontaneously perch on my knee when the tram fills up but I think this is how they have been brought up

Edited by catmiss
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I got on a bus some time ago unfortunatley it was packed with school kids (Bedlam) anyhow some Pensioners got on and had to stand in the aisles. So I stood up and shouted HEY you LOT get up and let the elders sit down. They did. There you go EASY. :rant::hihi:

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I think it is. I use the tram to work and regularly see people occupying the 'priority' seats without a second thought for those who might need them more. There's currently a man on crutches who boards at Infirmary Road who, given the overcrowded conditions, has to maintain his balance and that of a young child whilst a woman and her three young children occupy priority seats. The other issue I have is with people occupying the aisle seat whilst the window seat is vacant and when you ask to use the seat they make a big show of giving you access or, even worse, refusing to move their luggage. In the 'olden days' bus conductors would arbitrate these situations. My 30 and 32 year old sons still chivalrously stand up and my 11 year old granddaughter will spontaneously perch on my knee when the tram fills up but I think this is how they have been brought up



I have to confess I do usually occupy the aisle seat on the tram. This is because I have to pull myself up out of the seat using the rail and I can't do this from a window seat. There may be reasons some people don't give up their seats for others. (Other than being rude/selfish/lazy etc!)

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Eh! It’s not about how you vote it’s about how you were brought up to respect others .


So a government that preaches ruthless indivualism can’t possibly have any impact on peoples’ attitudes and respect for each other?



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Guest makapaka
So a government that preaches ruthless indivualism can’t possibly have any impact on peoples’ attitudes and respect for each other?




You can blame the government for a lot of things - I don’t think this is one of them.

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