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Blades ownership update


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Taken from another forum here are a few key points.


- The football club still jointly owned, opportunity to transfer to HRH in Feb was not taken forward and it is now in litigation.


- To do with personalities and lack of understanding on how to run the club.


“I think McCabe and the HRH have disagreed on quite a few things but he’s being diplomatic”.


- McCabe stressing must maintain the culture and heritage and not call fans customers.


- Relationship with the sheikh seems very strained, they talk but not much (McCabes own words) he thinks they will have a face to face sit down soon and sort out their differences.


- The dispute is about the property valuation & the Prince started the litigation.


- The takeover is a big if and not a when.


- Owners hope to sort out differences before next seasons preparations.


- McCabe and wilder think the way back to the premier league is to stick with British and Irish players and not go international, HRH disagrees.


- HRH hasn’t generated any sponsors which is a disappointment think he promised to bring a few in.


- McCabe summing up....his task is to get the sheikh to understand Sheffield United.

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McCabe thankfully has the club at heart. He's made plenty of mistakes, but he won't see us go the way of West Ham, or other clubs who've lost their identity due to owners with no understand of the club they've just bought. Some not so far from home.


I'm still unsure on the Prince, but clearly McCabe thinks there's hope. I hope it all gets sorted out soon.

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So prince longpockets HASNT delivered what you all expected?


I personally never expected him to deliver anything, I still think to this day that the only reason he was brought in was to get tickets sales up with false promises...

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McCabe thankfully has the club at heart. He's made plenty of mistakes, but he won't see us go the way of West Ham, or other clubs who've lost their identity due to owners with no understand of the club they've just bought. Some not so far from home.


I'm still unsure on the Prince, but clearly McCabe thinks there's hope. I hope it all gets sorted out soon.


:hihi::hihi::hihi:McCabe has got McCabe at heart!

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So prince longpockets HASNT delivered what you all expected?




What we «* all expected*» ? I think after 55 years as a Blade I think I can safely say that my «* expectations*» are always tempered. Not grandiosed like some supporters of some clubs


---------- Post added 18-03-2018 at 13:33 ----------


I think this is all about business people doing what business people do. Following threads on another website has given me a bit of information as to how all this works. It’s a world I know nothing about.


There is anxiety about what would happen if HRH took control of the club. Seems to be that McCabe and family want out but are wanting to safeguard the interests and future of the club, Kevin McCabe is now 70. We are more interesting to investors now by virtue of a half decent consolidation in our first year in th3 Championship, good level of fan support.


The Prince hasn’t held an open forum with the fans in the way that McCabe has, so people are waiting to here what he has to say offer.


I also agree that having British and Irish players would be great as Wilder appears to want that, I believe as a fan it’s easier to identify with home grown talent. Wilder doesn’t want cliques to develop amongst the players. That said it’s hard to envisage progress on the field without recruiting players from outside UK

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McCabe just wants rid and has done for sometime time - it was allways all about property never football . He is obsessed with Man Utd


McCabes got a box at manure,mate has one 2 blocks down,does tuns of work for him,barely misses a game

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