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Possible scams??

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Hi guys


Have any of you taken any cold calls (amongst the many!) from a company called TNS BMRB calling "on behalf of the Home Office?"


I have asked, and got, two 0500 numbers to call them back on, but with a little verbal battle, it turns out that TNS is the company and BMRB stands for "British Market Research Board".


They were asking for address and company name confirmation, followed by the name of the "person in charge of security".


Shall I assume they are phishing for data details, or sit and wait for the Home Office to organise a dawn raid? :suspect:

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I haven't received a call like that but sure sounds like another phishing scam. Thanks for sharing this information.


---------- Post added 05-08-2013 at 10:56 ----------


By the way, do you still have the caller's phone number? It would be great if you can post it here, too. You know, like what they do at Callercenter.com where the post the number along with the complaint. It's better that way.

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I had a similar call reckoning to be from a well know credit check company. I said I wouldn't answer their questions as they had called me so must know who they were calling. I told them to get a report from companies house if they wanted further info on our business. I received a second call later that day and told them to send me an email or something in the post.......


....I never received anything so I don't think I was being over cautious.

Edited by Chez2
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  • 2 months later...

Just had a call from a withheld number, first thing she says was I am calling from Ergo or something like that and it is not a sales call. She said you called and spoke to a colleague LAST YEARdo you remember, I said where did you get this number as it is registered with the TPS and she said it is to do with the council or something.:confused: Then she said our records show your house still has the wooden boards for the guttering, which made me laugh as I told her these houses do not have wooden fascia boards she then apologised and hung up. I have no doubt that if there had been boards on the house then this non sales call would have been trying to sell me some.:rant:

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  • 2 years later...

Has anyone been a victim of the thisilike scam. they somehow convince your phone provider with details that you have joined a weekly competition costing £4.50 a week and they add it to your phone bill. If you get a text from these people reminding you of the charges, do not ignore this as I did you must text stop to 66299. I ignored it as I had checked my bank account and could not find the amount on my statement only to find that since March they have added it to my mobile phone bill.

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Here are some sites to visit and read for anyone to bring themselves up to date with the current mobile frauds ( bit scary )


£300 scam:




Action fraud mobile phone scams:




Tiger mobile common scams


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They cant just add themselves without ypu knowing, it usually happens when entering competitions, or stupid ring tone websites, or other things similar...


You call and press a button, they got you, or you text and dont add the NOINFO on the end etc and they got you..


Be careful andread terms and conditions before doing anything like that...

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Thanks for your interest Ghozer but I can't get internet on my phone all I've ever used it for was texting phoning and photos friends and family, what does intrigue me is in the competitions I am supposed to have been entered into every week since March never got any results or knew what kind of competitions they were.

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