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Safe Nightclubs in Sheffield

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I don't believe there is such a thing, slim...

I go out several times a week and I can honstly say I've never seen any trouble, apart from one scrap which was more funny than disturbing (the guys were that drunk they couldnt even throw a punch)


I do hear all the awful things that happen in Sheffield's nightclubs and it does put me off a little, as I dont know what I'd do in that situation... But its like anything else, if you let things scare you or put you off, you wouldnt do anything at all...


All I can say is that in my experience, so far, I've felt perfectly safe in all the nightclubs when I've been out... :)

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Hiya Slim


Id prob say the safest clubs in sheff are Rep, Leadmill and Flares, as long as u avoid nites after derby matches and the like. Thats were I used to go when I was a nipper anyway, still do from time to time but the students can get VERY annoying in their rugby tackle groups :hihi: :hihi:

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Think PLug is pretty safe.

It's more of a case of what music is on as opposed to the venue that makes a club safe our not, probably most dub, cheesey pop, indie, techno/trance, rock club nights are going to pretty safe, your going to get more trouble at Speed garage, d'n'b and certain types of house nights

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Crystal is very very safe. Worked there a year and a half (Full-time) and never ever seen a single punch thrown. It's a good door policy for good people :) Never any trouble... Gatecrasher One is pretty good too. "Safeness" of the night all depends on the cilent base. Club could be safe as houses one night, and rough as hell the next.

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Contrary to some viscious rumors which circulated over the last few months, Club Xes on Carlisle Street is one of the safest Gay clubs I have been to. because it is a small venue, the managers keep a good eye on the place, and while there were a few 'incidents', they were nothing worse tha twhat might happen at such a club from time to time.


Also, Club Xes is top of my list for being a safe venue for the Transgendered Community; I know several transvestites who travel 100 miles or more for a night out there at the twice monthly 'Les Femmes' Tranny night, as it is secluded, away from their own hometowns where they might get recognised as a crossdresser, and again, the managers are TOTALLY 'Trannie-Friendly', and soon deal with any trouble directed against them.


For those who canot get dressed on the way there, there is a small dressing room where one of us regular 'Girls' will stand guard if necessary, and of course crossdressers are allowed to use ladies' toilets.


Unfortunately due to the neighbouring bar along Carlisle St., 'Ma Baker's', (A former Drag cabaret venue) closing and reopening with different non-Gay management last year, rumors circulated that Club Xes and the Transgender night at it had ceased to be, and many 'Trannies' did not go any more.


However, numbers are going up once again, and all transgenders and their partners, whether same sex or opposite sex, are most welcome to any 'Les Femmes' Night (2nd and 4th Fridays), and indeed at any other time when Xes is open.

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