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What makes people really happy?

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I would have to disagree here and say that a lack of money makes you very unhappy. Not having enough coming in and struggling to pay bills causes a huge amount of stress. You have to work extra hours so you're always tired with little free time to enjoy yourself or spend time with your family/friends. When you get some time you're knackered and can't do half the things you want to do. I've been there and was certainly not happy, and getting more money made me extremely blooming happy!


I would say there's maybe a point at which having more money likely won't increase happiness, but having enough money to be secure in having the basics - a home, food, heating, some time for yourself DEFINITELY makes you happy.


I totally agree. I have also struggled to make ends meet and it was a bad time. I am now in a position where I have some savings (not a massive amount by any means) but it means that I am not constantly worrying if something goes wrong with the car / house etc.

I am definitely happier now and less stressed.

On a lighter note, spending time with my family makes me happy, also as someone else has mentioned, getting into a bed with clean sheets.

And eating curry, that makes me happy. :hihi:


---------- Post added 24-03-2018 at 05:20 ----------


Van kittie, I suppose you are right. However when I was young my mum had 3 of us to bring up on next to nothing. I always remember her being out at work and me looking after my younger siblings. I always got second hand clothes at Xmas and if I was lucky maybe a toy. But I don’t remember being sad, I suppose mum took that burden on because she was always smiling and never let us know how things were.

I just imagine I am lucky because I have had two great careers that I have enjoyed and progressed through each and am at a stage where I can think of retiring to the sun.

Which is really going to make me happy!

I see you stated that you have ‘ been there’. I hope you have come through the other side and things are a little easier for you.


Your mum sounds amazing.

It sounds like she had a great work ethic that she passed to you.

And of course i'm not bitter about you retiring to somewhere in the sun :)

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Happiness can't be measured. What makes One happy might not make another happy.


looking at the SUN makes me happy, Not because of it's warmth.. Because it is OUR star and it helped make us.

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Having a good job that pays ridiculously well which enabled me to buy in a nice area with the best primary and secondary schools in the county within my catchment area for my children. This also has the consequence of my wife not needing to rush back to work and spend more time enjoying the time at home with my children during their early years.

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