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Why you should not talk to the police, does this apply in the UK?

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Without even watching a video I would advize anyone to not talk to the police. They have for some time stopped being independant and conducting fair investigations and instead now seem to just go for the accused to secure a conviction on the cheap, and that includes using anthing you may say in a misleading manor or out of conext.


I would love to share some of my own experiences on here but I won't.


But the CPS ultimately decide if a case is brought before the courts. Does any of the blame lie with them also. Are you saying that the police give misleading evidence to the CPS? I'm not having a go by any means, I just wanted to clarify if that's what you meant.

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But the CPS ultimately decide if a case is brought before the courts. Does any of the blame lie with them also. Are you saying that the police give misleading evidence to the CPS? I'm not having a go by any means, I just wanted to clarify if that's what you meant.


Police have been known to play Judge and Jury (filter what evidence they pass on to the CPS); there was a case recently, I think in Scotland (or up north somewhere), a chap was being falsely accused of rape.

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Police have been known to play Judge and Jury (filter what evidence they pass on to the CPS); there was a case recently, I think in Scotland (or up north somewhere), a chap was being falsely accused of rape.


I think you are referring to several cases nationally - but one that was highlighted down south where there was a rape case halted and the charges dismissed because of a failure by the police to pass on raw social media data - in other words a disclosure failure.


It is not on the same topic as this thread but it is one of the most serious issues the criminal justice system has to grapple with at the moment - devoid of the resources to do it properly even if the police knew how to do it properly which I am afraid many do not - ignorance of the responsibilities they have and the legal framework they have to operate it being the main problem - thats before you get to CPS - and that is a whole different thread.

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Ive never spoke to the plod, and never will. I have no time for them what so ever.


Well thats fine then.


We can all hope that if you ever get robbed, stabbed, shot, burgled, threatened, defrauded or seriously injured by a criminal act they will show just as much contempt to you.

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I try desperately to stick to the view that the Police do a difficult job in difficult circumstances and that it is important to trust them and cooperate with them wherever possible or required.


But I have to admit, each experience I have dealing with the police (and it has always been from the right side of the law -witness, report a crime e.t.c.), has left me just a little bit less enthusiastic about the officers I have encountered.


Repeat to myself, -They're doing a difficult job in difficult circumstances, They're doing a difficult job in difficult circumstances, They're doing a difficult job in difficult circumstances...........

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