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"Bouncers"- The public perception?

jh 66

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When I was a student there was a really nice bouncer in Bar One. Always polite even when dealing with drunken students, always told us to drink up and get out with a smile on his face - nice bloke.


He ended up getting the sack because some a**hole from the Hockey club complained about him. His case was taken to the Finance and General Purposes Committee that my mate sat on and my mate was the only person who stuck up for him and said he shouldn't be sacked. The rest of the gits agreed he should be sacked for insulting a student.


Knowing the sort of t*ssers from the Hockey Club that used to drink in bar one no insult could have been too extreme.


I once got attacked by the hockey boys....I only asked if they played hockey because they were ****e at football...I think I was right.


They can't half punch for posh kids with a silver spoon in their mouth. All 127 of them at once. tut.

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I once got attacked by the hockey boys....I only asked if they played hockey because they were ****e at football...I think I was right.


They can't half punch for posh kids with a silver spoon in their mouth. All 127 of them at once. tut.


With their naff "You've got to grin to get it in" t-shirts. Yes I'd have kept the bouncer and got rid of them. Set of (insert expletive here)

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Like with most professions incl the police, the majority do a good job and do it for the money. However there is that element who do it for a power trip, looking to take advantage of drunk helpless lads to abuse or young lasses for an easy time.

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most bouncers ive met are power mad t******s but I have two good mates (identical twins funnily enough) who are the nicest lads you could meet. They're tough but not violent (there is a difference) and theyd never think of beating someone up etc. Pity theyre the only good ones I know.

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My personal view of a bouncer?

Big bloke, bit like a gorilla, likes to chat up the ladies, loves to slap people about, loves to show people their authority, likes violence but you never see them trying out for the army??


Am I right- maybe its me?

I have spoken to DaBouncer before- the bloke sounds alright to me.

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I know this for certain, because I was a 'bouncer'/doorman several years ago in Sheffield city centre for nearly two years, and the latter paragraphs describe my own (then)circumstances and still-relevant observations, and those of several other colleagues from that recent era!

To be fair jh 66 has eloquently written this I couldn't add anything extra. In my opinion it's the majority of Bouncers/Door Supervisors/Door Staff that are good, hard working, decent people who are doing the job as an extra income. The minority tend to ruin it for the majority.


jh 66 makes very good points and as a lot of you know I used to work in the door trade for some time but "retired" back in 2004.

What people don't realise is that we are the front line and yes we do (rightly or wrongly) get snappy during the shift.

However ask yourselves if you feel you could put up with village idiots threatening you with bottles because you haven't let them in or that they're coming back 10 of their mates because you have ejected them from a venue?

I have been attacked... and seen people attacked where I had to step in or one of them could have been in hospital.


That was my job... putting the safety of others before mine. And for the wages you get, well it's a wonder why we did it.


Thankfully you can appreciate that some of the people are saying things just out of drink and they'll be sorry in the morning... or like in the case of one guy who was just "all mouth" saying he was going to come and stab me in the neck. It's not the easiest of jobs and I appreciate some door staff are arrogant bullies but please remember... the majority are not like that at all.

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Marcy and Liza- freedom of speech etc, but sweeping statements, surely? Your description isn't me, and many others.

Agreed. One thing I know I'm not is gods gift :hihi: and with regards to the labels people wear. What people dont realise is that venue management are consulted with local police forces advising them what local football firms clothing labels are being worn these days thus the venue management tell the door staff which labels cannot be accepted into the venue.


It's not a door staff policy it's a venue policy.

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Most bouncers are good, but there are always a few bad ones. Up until three years ago I used to be a huge dance music fan, and I'd travel all over the country for nights out.


One of my regular venues was the Sanctuary in Milton Keynes, as this was a popular rave venue which hosted Helter Skelter, Slammin Vinyl and others. The bouncers there were notorious for being roided, musclebound thugs, although the venue is now closed and has been sold off to developers. They'd beat people up, and many ravers felt they spoiled what was otherwise a great night.


There was also a bad security guy at the Que Club in Birmingham, who'd get off on deliberately intimidating people. In terms of "proper" dance music, security have a unbelievably high potential for spoiling a night. On the whole, most of the bouncers that I met on my travels were okay though.



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