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"Bouncers"- The public perception?

jh 66

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He really only said "I only kissed my girlfriend"? There wasnt anything else to the story?



Nope, My brother is not an argumentative or troublesome guy, in fact he's the opposite, it was always me that had to stick up for him at school and fight his fights for him,.. he really is quiet and I think thats why he gets targetted sometimes. (In fact he was out with myself last sunday when some n*b just walked up and smacked him!)


But the bouncers made out that they were 'making out' in the pub, but my brother assures me it was just one kiss! I know myself that they aren't a touchy feely couple in public so I believe my bro wasn't 'making out' like the bouncers stated.


But don't get me wrong I'm NOT slating all bouncers, they do a job I would never be brave enough to do! it's just the odd bad apple that gets the decent ones tarred with the same brush!!

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MOST bouncers in my experience are tosspots. The power goes to their head and they think they have the right to act and talk how ever they want. They get away with this because the people they talk to in this way, they will accept this because they won't to get into the establishment otherwise.


I've come across some right ****head bouncers in my time, I think most of them were taught no manners and aren't fit to work in public.


just my opinion.

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Are you a journalist of the written form of the discipline? The reason I ask is that your spelling seems a bit ropey for someone that writes for a living. Not a massive criticism, just an idle observation - which I'm sure you won't mind, given the amount of personal info you've posted.


There's always one isn't there? :rolleyes:


Yes my spelling on this Forum is terrible, because I tend to post quickly, in between work stuff, and often don't read through what I've written. I'm also mildly dyslexic, which doesn't affect either my intelligence or ability to do my job well. It simply means that I make sure all articles I write are carefully proof-read and spell-checked before submission.


Thanks for pointing it out though. :mad: Now lets get back on topic shall we.

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Iv'e never had a problem with bouncers, in fact its all been fine EXCEPT from the time we were trying to get OUT of Kingdom cauze I had been punched by a lass for no reason...this large Asian one was stopping us getting out!!! I don't know why :confused:


In the week I feel sorry for them cauze they have to put up with Bloody Idiotic groups of Rugby Lads from the unis who are all acting like they wanna s**g each other cauze they can't handle their drink :rant:

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Can I hazard a guess as to which publication you write for? I'm getting faint whiffs of Exposed magazine here...


Sorry, what is Exposed? Is it local? Not lived in Sheffield for a few years.


I used to work for the Star at one time (for my sins), then did a stint on the nationals, then was a features editor for women's magazines, but as I said, I now write health features and medical stories for specialist health publications. The spellcheck facility can get you far these days.


Not sure why this is relevent, but can only assume you have a low opinion of Exposed... What is it?

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Local rag that doesn't have any balls. Attracts all the local student wannabe journos who aren't fit to whisper the name of Hunter S. Thompson - that's not a reflection on you. Sorry to bother you and thanks for all the info.

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Sorry to hear everyone's negative experiences/opinions about the d***heads amongst the doorstaff circuit- the bad ones need whacking...sorry, sacking!:rolleyes: I may know one or two of the one's mentioned at Millionaires/Flares.


But there are a great many decent and more polite and civilised ones out there, too.:):thumbsup:

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