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A Theft Epidemic Is With Us.

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or alternatively


zero tolerance.

no acceptance

no "personal use"


let make it as unacceptable as drink driving.


Zero tolerance= already got it.

No acceptance= already got it.

No personal use= how do you police it.

Lets make it as unacceptable as drink driving= already is.

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If you want less thieving, persuade the government to decriminalise drugs and provide free drugs to addicts. They won't break into cars, vans and sheds if they can get what they need free.

Imo correct.


We as a society need to start looking at serious drug users as a disease that CAN be treated. Not as a crime that can be punished.


The power that serious drugs have over a user far outweighs any punishment.


No one wants to be an addict. The only winners here in our current approach are the dealers.

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oh and you think that will work:roll::roll: better that they get banged up then we dont have to see the scumbags on our streets.


all that will do is ease the thieving maybe but will increase the amount of dross sat about injecting , snorting and generally looking like zombies not to mention the problem when they overdose with the blood and sick that will be all over for all to see, yeah great:thumbsup:


Wrong on both counts. Educating yourself isn't a strong point with you is it?

With legal access to supplies and a safe environment to take them in you'll see far less signs of drug use and overdosing will be vastly reduced.


You own a computer and have internet access? Educate yourself; you'll sound less like a clown who knows nothing.

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If you want less thieving, persuade the government to decriminalise drugs and provide free drugs to addicts. They won't break into cars, vans and sheds if they can get what they need free.


i,m with you on this it would be a cure for crime over night plain and simple Logic.

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i,m with you on this it would be a cure for crime over night plain and simple Logic.


No, it wouldn't. What it would do is cause a large drop in offences like thefts from motor vehicles, casual burglaries, shoplifting, tools being nicked out of vans and sheds being broken into.


There's plenty of evidence out there that allowing addicts access to free quality tested clean drugs has plenty of other benefits as well, for those who care to look.

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Wrong on both counts. Educating yourself isn't a strong point with you is it?

With legal access to supplies and a safe environment to take them in you'll see far less signs of drug use and overdosing will be vastly reduced.


You own a computer and have internet access? Educate yourself; you'll sound less like a clown who knows nothing.


says the great oracle!!!:roll: who pays for the legal access?? and the safe environment then? let me guess us the taxpayer? safe?? if it ever can be.

you think you know it all let me tell you , you dont:hihi:

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I don’t really buy the making it legal/solve the problem argument, by its very nature the early appeal of drugs is the rebellion involved with there use, the outsider persona, take that away and make it clean and safe and they’d just find something else that’s still illegal to get their fix.

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No, it wouldn't. What it would do is cause a large drop in offences like thefts from motor vehicles, casual burglaries, shoplifting, tools being nicked out of vans and sheds being broken into.


There's plenty of evidence out there that allowing addicts access to free quality tested clean drugs has plenty of other benefits as well, for those who care to look.


We ought to try it, Blunkett mooted it when he was Home Secretary, but it was never implemented.

There’s some evidence it works in Portugal and Switzerland and we ought to give it a go. The druggies would get good quality heroin, clean needles, wouldn’t have to ‘grafting’ (as they call shoplifting) each morning, and there’s every chance the dishonesty crime levels would fall.

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I don’t really buy the making it legal/solve the problem argument, by its very nature the early appeal of drugs is the rebellion involved with there use, the outsider persona, take that away and make it clean and safe and they’d just find something else that’s still illegal to get their fix.


You have a very poor understanding of what motivates people to use drugs and to become dependent on them. Do some research. It'll help with yor understanding.

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