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Anti social and illegal motorbikes

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This video URL will only work if you have a Facebook account, as I can't see if it's been posted elsewhere, but does show what some folks have to contend with.


Whichever came first, chicken or egg, how do we get back from where we are now, whilst still protecting the public from these louts?


It is on YouTube:


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My heart rate has gone up watching this. Is this in Sheffield?

Unfortunately the problem is compounded by police still not being able to pursue these scum should they hurt themselves while they are on motorcycles and they know this. It’s about time the Sop,s were changed to allow them to pursue.

And I don’t care what someone on this thread says, they are scum.

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I've no objection to the majority of these off road bikers as long as they do it sensibly and above all safely. like anyone else though once they have been at it for a couple of hours collectively in one place then that is enough for the day.


As for engaging the police in matters like this you need to find a celebrity copper, you can easily spot them because they are willing to nick anyone for anything whilst the TV camera is recording people who have not yet been charged and convicted without obtaining their consent to either film them or show that film to others.

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I've no objection to the majority of these off road bikers as long as they do it sensibly and above all safely. like anyone else though once they have been at it for a couple of hours collectively in one place then that is enough for the day.


As for engaging the police in matters like this you need to find a celebrity copper, you can easily spot them because they are willing to nick anyone for anything whilst the TV camera is recording people who have not yet been charged and convicted without obtaining their consent to either film them or show that film to others.


Let me guess you don't live next to any woodland do you... couple of hours of bikes tearing up the woods... I personally will not tolerate that long. I remember years ago taking my eldest for a walk in the woods... would I now? no... why? because when the bikes and quads arrive they could not care less if a 5 year old is playing and runs in front of them. No respect left in this world for others... you are right involving the police is a waste as much as the officers may wish to police, the softy softy world we live in wont allow it.

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Let me guess you don't live next to any woodland do you... couple of hours of bikes tearing up the woods... I personally will not tolerate that long. I remember years ago taking my eldest for a walk in the woods... would I now? no... why? because when the bikes and quads arrive they could not care less if a 5 year old is playing and runs in front of them. No respect left in this world for others... you are right involving the police is a waste as much as the officers may wish to police, the softy softy world we live in wont allow it.


As I keep saying, in South Yorkshire the police have an off road bike team raised to deal specifically with anti social/illegal off road bikes.

Look them up on Facebook, email SYP or call 101. They can’t deal with it if it’s not reported.

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Let me guess you don't live next to any woodland do you... couple of hours of bikes tearing up the woods... I personally will not tolerate that long. I remember years ago taking my eldest for a walk in the woods... would I now? no... why? because when the bikes and quads arrive they could not care less if a 5 year old is playing and runs in front of them. No respect left in this world for others... you are right involving the police is a waste as much as the officers may wish to police, the softy softy world we live in wont allow it.


You guessed wrong.

I live across the road from a wood in a valley where the acoustics ensure we can hear them quite well for quite some distance where off road bikers used to go to play quite regularly. Most Sundays at one time ...not so much now a days like I said two or three hours a couple of times a week or an hour so early evening I don't have an issue. not every saturday or sunday would be preferable but live and let live. and not so late that their noise stops people especially young children from sleeping.


these are not woods in which people regularly walk or children play.


do children play outside anymore? another thread perhaps.


i do however agree wholeheartedly that when these off-roaders in local spots (usually young males) do present a danger to people or the local fauna they should be prevented from doing so.


i think the same of any groups or individuals that present a danger to others, off road motorcycles and pedal cyclists, people who let dogs run loose and I dare say a few others.


but public space is there to be enjoyed bay all ....as is a bit a piece of quiet.. live and let live.

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They have been in Greno woods today riding on foot paths sign posted as walkers only to top it all coming the other way was horse riders ,talk about a nice strole on public foot paths .no chance when all these anti social vandals are bullying their way through.

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