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Censorship: Motive VS content

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Every once in a while on various social media and forums (not excluding this one) a thread/discussion/post pops up which makes the poster's motive clear (pushing their own particular agenda) but conveys a valid point.

I've seen this from both left and right, usually highlighting some real problem or issue but blatantly displaying their sociopolitical leanings in the process.


The thing I find a little saddening is when these posts/threads are removed or deleted, seemingly without justification (no breaking of site/forum/club rules). In my own opinion it would be better to let the issues be discussed, if there is a counter point to be made it will be made. I think that if you censor something (that doesn't break the rules) it can inadvertently strengthen that poster's motive's validity by appearing to try and quash the content (rather than the motive).


What say folk?

(Will this thread be deleted?)


---------- Post added 25-03-2018 at 22:16 ----------


I should probably add, I'm not questioning whether these sites should be allowed to censor, that's something they're usually entitled to do and we agree to it when we sign up

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I did notice that Dimple had yet another anti Muslim male thread removed earlier.


I’m a bit bored of him pushing the same line over and over, but if people want to join in with the thread it should be left open. If nobody is interested it will die quickly.


I’m generally not in favour of banning, censoring or suppressing views. Sunlight is the best bleach and we should be prepared to confront ideas we don’t like head on.

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