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Speeding ticket discussion thread

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It's up to the point where I don't know who was driving the car at the moment of the ticker being issued as it was 4 months ago and they didn't even send me a copy of the camera taking the picture of the person who was driving it. The car is a company car and also being used be few members of the family, so after 4 months it's hard to remember or to investigate who was behind the wheel on that date and particularly at that time.

Since the car is registered under my name that's why I know at the end it's gonna be me who will receive the ticket.

I'm not trying to get away with anything, I just want to ask if I have any rights to defend my self.

I can't believe who you people are so easy to throw rocks at people, when probably most of you is doing some speeding at some point in your day/week/month.


You should have the opportunity on the notice to tell them who was driving and provide proof of it.You get 28 days from receipt. Not knowing who was driving is no longer a valid excuse.


The long and the short(from my experience) you'll get the ticket. It could be compounded if you refuse to disclose or try to hide who was driving.

I knew i wasn't driving my company car at the time of my ticket but by the time it arrived(4-5 weeks) i had left the company and my boss denied being in the car in Norwich with me.I defended myself in court in Norwich but had to take the hit - the points allocation is higher (was 6 i think) for non disclosure with no allowances.

It is the legal duty of the registered keeper to update DVLA - the police can come at you as the registered keeper for that offence as well.

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OK, since the topic cooled down I just wanted to ask if there is any way I can get away with the 3 points?

I'm fine with paying the fine as the car is registered under my name, I made a mistake by not making records on who is driving the car (even if the drivers can swap the car between them self every 15-20min) and is there a way I can receive only the £100 fine?

I've already send a letter to the police station providing all the information that I've provided here, without filling in the drivers details form (simply because I don't know).

P.S. already registered at pepipoo.

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It's up to the point where I don't know who was driving the car at the moment of the ticker being issued as it was 4 months ago and they didn't even send me a copy of the camera taking the picture of the person who was driving it. The car is a company car and also being used be few members of the family, so after 4 months it's hard to remember or to investigate who was behind the wheel on that date and particularly at that time.

Since the car is registered under my name that's why I know at the end it's gonna be me who will receive the ticket.

I'm not trying to get away with anything, I just want to ask if I have any rights to defend my self.

I can't believe who you people are so easy to throw rocks at people, when probably most of you is doing some speeding at some point in your day/week/month.


Mattcbr, you should have received a notice of intended prosecution which would have also requested that the registered keeper provide the details of the driver at the time of the offence. Having said that there is no obligation for them to request it.

The next step is for the central ticket office to raise a file with the evidence which then creates a court date and summons. The summons is then sent to the registered keeper, you.

You can request a copy of the photo which may give you a better idea of who was driving, however if it does not clearly show who was driving you are going to need some pretty convincing evidence to persuade a court that you do not know who was driving.

IMHO if it was me with no points and it is not too late I would pay up and take the option of attending a speed awareness court in lieu of points.

Cos even if you think you are right and you think the law is on your side it is still pretty stressful going to court to defend yourself

All of us who drive have an unthinking moment now and again, none of us are perfect.

Good luck whichever way you decide


---------- Post added 28-03-2018 at 16:35 ----------


OK, since the topic cooled down I just wanted to ask if there is any way I can get away with the 3 points?

I'm fine with paying the fine as the car is registered under my name, I made a mistake by not making records on who is driving the car (even if the drivers can swap the car between them self every 15-20min) and is there a way I can receive only the £100 fine?

I've already send a letter to the police station providing all the information that I've provided here, without filling in the drivers details form (simply because I don't know).

P.S. already registered at pepipoo.



Just replied as same time.

You should return the paperwork and you will be sent a conditional offer. This should include a fine and speed awareness course.

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Mattcbr, you should have received a notice of intended prosecution which would have also requested that the registered keeper provide the details of the driver at the time of the offence. Having said that there is no obligation for them to request it.

The next step is for the central ticket office to raise a file with the evidence which then creates a court date and summons. The summons is then sent to the registered keeper, you.

You can request a copy of the photo which may give you a better idea of who was driving, however if it does not clearly show who was driving you are going to need some pretty convincing evidence to persuade a court that you do not know who was driving.

IMHO if it was me with no points and it is not too late I would pay up and take the option of attending a speed awareness court in lieu of points.

Cos even if you think you are right and you think the law is on your side it is still pretty stressful going to court to defend yourself

All of us who drive have an unthinking moment now and again, none of us are perfect.

Good luck whichever way you decide


Thanks, for your constructive reply.

I understand where are you coming from with the court being a stressful situation etc, but isn't it about what people should do? Because if we all go the way "Ehh, it's too much stress and I'm not bother, better pay off the fine and watch some Jeremy Kyle instead" wont the law be upon us? As they will know that they can do whatever they want with us cause we all pay as we don't give a fuss about going to the court. Maybe it's just my point of view, but I don't like who the public service is making mistakes, tell you to pay something you shouldn't (not especially THIS case) because they know that we are getting weak.


I'm trying to find on my V5C where is the date showing up that DVLA registered me as the owner - can anybody help where to look for it?

Like I said, I'm fine to pay the £100 but not fine with the 3 points.


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OK, since the topic cooled down I just wanted to ask if there is any way I can get away with the 3 points?

I'm fine with paying the fine as the car is registered under my name, I made a mistake by not making records on who is driving the car (even if the drivers can swap the car between them self every 15-20min) and is there a way I can receive only the £100 fine?

I've already send a letter to the police station providing all the information that I've provided here, without filling in the drivers details form (simply because I don't know).

P.S. already registered at pepipoo.


Complete the drivers form and admit you were driving, 3 points £100. Argue the toss with no evidence(which i tried aND GOT FINED £450 for non disclosure AND 6 POINTS(because it is statutory), i actually got let off with the speeding fine by the magistrates.


Court wasn't stressful,it was only a magistrates court for me but it was in Norwich, i wanted the opportunity to explain - they actually offered me a chance for "re trial" to get my ex boss to attend - now that would have been stressful.


It isn't that we're getting weaker as a society but they are slowly closing the loopholes that guilty people use to get away from prosecution.

Edited by willman
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On the front of my V5c section 2 states -acquired vehicle.In section 5 it lists the registered keepers acquisition.

On the same page in official use only at the bottom it does show a doc ref No,which i assume is the date it is uploaded at DVLA(manually) but i could be wrong.(On mine the dates do tally)

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Complete the drivers form and admit you were driving, 3 points £100. Argue the toss with no evidence(which i tried aND GOT FINED £450 for non disclosure AND 6 POINTS(because it is statutory), i actually got let off with the speeding fine by the magistrates.


Court wasn't stressful,it was only a magistrates court for me but it was in Norwich, i wanted the opportunity to explain - they actually offered me a chance for "re trial" to get my ex boss to attend - now that would have been stressful.


It isn't that we're getting weaker as a society but they are slowly closing the loopholes that guilty people use to get away from prosecution.

Unfortunately, in some cases, they are also the avenues innocent people used to get away from prosecution.

At the very least when they have had trouble contacting the registered keeper they should include the photo of the incident (I personally think they should include it from the get go, it's not like a colour printer is exorbitantly expensive these days).

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Complete the drivers form and admit you were driving, 3 points £100. Argue the toss with no evidence(which i tried aND GOT FINED £450 for non disclosure AND 6 POINTS(because it is statutory), i actually got let off with the speeding fine by the magistrates.


Court wasn't stressful,it was only a magistrates court for me but it was in Norwich, i wanted the opportunity to explain - they actually offered me a chance for "re trial" to get my ex boss to attend - now that would have been stressful.


It isn't that we're getting weaker as a society but they are slowly closing the loopholes that guilty people use to get away from prosecution.


In my cack handed way I think that is what I was trying to say.

I went to court knowing 100 percent that I was right and was proved so but it was still stressful for me.

Mattcbr has no evidence to prove that he wasn’t driving and that is a very flimsy basis on which to take a minor motoring matter to court.

Trust me Matt, it’s not going to make an iota of difference you fighting the system and it’s unfairness cos when we are all long gone folk will still be paying speeding fines and being hit with points.

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On the front of my V5c section 2 states -acquired vehicle.In section 5 it lists the registered keepers acquisition.

On the same page in official use only at the bottom it does show a doc ref No,which i assume is the date it is uploaded at DVLA(manually) but i could be wrong.(On mine the dates do tally)


Yep, I think you're right it says on mine - 12/07/2017

Sorry to keep on asking for more advice as I think you all were very helpful as far as now, but with that date registering me as a new keeper on the DVLA, could I try to use this as my defense? Or will that not help at all?

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