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Speeding ticket discussion thread

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Give over cyclone, we've been through this before and essentially it came down to this, - you speed so you think its Ok to do so, you cycle so you like people being allowed to do whatever they want on a cycle.

Neither of those things is true.

Do you want to address why you think the majority of drivers are dangerous idiots?

And you can retract your lie about my opinion of cyclists unless you can find a quote to support it.

You will of course find multiple quotes from me complaining about cyclists running red lights and cycling without lights, both of which are very dangerous, mainly to the cyclist.

You will quote the rules and regulations at people when it suits you and ignore or even actively encourage the breaking of those rules as and when it suits you to do so.


You're basically a hypocrite.


Not in the slightest.

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Sounds more like they're closing the loopholes that innocent (in your case) people are using to get away from prosecution!


Perhaps that's going to be the case for a few people.

Next time i'll take my own advice on the matter not Pepipo.

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Neither of those things is true.

Do you want to address why you think the majority of drivers are dangerous idiots?

And you can retract your lie about my opinion of cyclists unless you can find a quote to support it.

You will of course find multiple quotes from me complaining about cyclists running red lights and cycling without lights, both of which are very dangerous, mainly to the cyclist.



Not in the slightest.


I'm pretty sure we have had a discussion on here before where you were postulating that it was perfectly safe and Ok for people driving better quality and better maintained cars above the speed limit. Im not going through your old posts to try and find it, if you've never gone down that line of discussion then apologies.


I'm absolute certain that you have said you were happy for cyclists to not adhere to the rules of the highway code where it might discourage people from cycling, because more cyclists would change motorists behaviour and make cyclists and therefore yourself safer, so you can forget a retraction for that.


As for the speed issue, the inability of a person to control the speed of their vehicle, which is a fairly basic requirement, is dangerous. It indicates a lack of awareness of what you are doing. Particularly to have exceeded the limit by the margin being discussed. To have deliberately chosen to exceed the speed limit by this margin suggests a dangerous lack of sensible judgement and impatience, especially given the likely nature of training received to hold a licence and the general information made clear and available about the problems and dangers caused by excessive speed. Such a lack of judgement is not likely to be restricted to speeding. If not reigned in it may result in the tendency to become over confident and even arrogant and take increasingly more serious risks, - dangerous overtaking, driving too close to cyclists, speeding up when approaching that amber light e.t.c.


To accidentally speed is to be dangerously ignorant. To choose to do so is deliberately dangerous. Hence, choosing to speed makes you a dangerous idiot.

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You might have a shout !

Have a look at Lord Howard of Lympne v DPP 2018 EWHC 100 Admin NOT the ‘Costs’ case but the S172 case.

You may find it on baiili.org - go to multidatabase and search for the case.

If you are unsure who was driving and you’ve done blah blah blah this case may help you.

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You might have a shout !

Have a look at Lord Howard of Lympne v DPP 2018 EWHC 100 Admin NOT the ‘Costs’ case but the S172 case.

You may find it on baiili.org - go to multidatabase and search for the case.

If you are unsure who was driving and you’ve done blah blah blah this case may help you.


Well it might, but from what I can gather, the point of law leading to the successful appeal, was that the instructions on the S172 form were not sufficient regarding how to complete the form if you don't know who was driving.

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Mattcbr, you should have received a notice of intended prosecution which would have also requested that the registered keeper provide the details of the driver at the time of the offence. Having said that there is no obligation for them to request it.

The next step is for the central ticket office to raise a file with the evidence which then creates a court date and summons. The summons is then sent to the registered keeper, you.

You can request a copy of the photo which may give you a better idea of who was driving, however if it does not clearly show who was driving you are going to need some pretty convincing evidence to persuade a court that you do not know who was driving.

IMHO if it was me with no points and it is not too late I would pay up and take the option of attending a speed awareness court in lieu of points.

Cos even if you think you are right and you think the law is on your side it is still pretty stressful going to court to defend yourself

All of us who drive have an unthinking moment now and again, none of us are perfect.


There are quite a few on here when speeding is mentioned

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I'm pretty sure we have had a discussion on here before where you were postulating that it was perfectly safe and Ok for people driving better quality and better maintained cars above the speed limit. Im not going through your old posts to try and find it, if you've never gone down that line of discussion then apologies.


I'm absolute certain that you have said you were happy for cyclists to not adhere to the rules of the highway code where it might discourage people from cycling, because more cyclists would change motorists behaviour and make cyclists and therefore yourself safer, so you can forget a retraction for that.

Nope, you've imagined both things I believe.

I might have speculated that the law should allow some cars to go faster than others, but we all speculate about a lot of things.

Why is it that you don't want to explain why you think most motorists are dangerous idiots though, did you realise that it won't be a popular opinion, or hadn't you thought about how the majority speed on the motorway?

And the bit about cycling, well, that's you lying. I've never said or suggested it. I dislike cyclists running lights, going the wrong way on 1 way streets, using the pavement and generally misbehaving. Expecting cyclists to cycle safely and within the law is not a barrier to cycling.

Perhaps you're (very) confused and are thinking about helmets or tax or licensing, all of which I will argue against because they DO create a barrier to cycling, and as you say, the more cyclists about the safer they all are.


As for the speed issue, the inability of a person to control the speed of their vehicle, which is a fairly basic requirement, is dangerous.

Inability, lol.

Do you think that people doing 80 on the motorway are doing it by accident?

It indicates a lack of awareness of what you are doing. Particularly to have exceeded the limit by the margin being discussed. To have deliberately chosen to exceed the speed limit by this margin suggests a dangerous lack of sensible judgement and impatience,


I don't generally break the 30 limit, but there are times when driving at a the huge excess speed of 37 would not be dangerous and not demonstrate a lack of judgement.

especially given the likely nature of training received to hold a licence and the general information made clear and available about the problems and dangers caused by excessive speed. Such a lack of judgement is not likely to be restricted to speeding. If not reigned in it may result in the tendency to become over confident and even arrogant and take increasingly more serious risks, - dangerous overtaking, driving too close to cyclists, speeding up when approaching that amber light e.t.c.


To accidentally speed is to be dangerously ignorant. To choose to do so is deliberately dangerous. Hence, choosing to speed makes you a dangerous idiot.

Do you even drive? I bet you do, and I bet you speed. I'd love to have a ride along with you, when you weren't being super specially careful because I was there of course, and laugh every time you exceeded the limit.

I've known a number of drivers tell me that they never speed, that's lasted all of about 5 minutes once I've been in the car with them.


I can imagine a few drivers that never speed though, they're scared to drive, and so over cautious that they're actually a danger through the hesitant way in which they drive. You see them occasionally, doing 30 in the 50 zone, not pulling out at a clear junction, hunched forwards, desperately gripping the wheel, perhaps you're one of those?

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Inappropriate speed is what causes accidents rather than drivers going a little over a speed limit on some roads. There is an element of revenue earning rather than safety when the Police decide to choose which roads to catch motorists doing 35 mph in a 30 mph zone. The speed awareness courses don't really make much sense when drivers vastly exceeding a speed limit are not offered a place on a course.

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Nope, you've imagined both things I believe.

I might have speculated that the law should allow some cars to go faster than others, but we all speculate about a lot of things.


Well then my misunderstanding.


---------- Post added 30-03-2018 at 13:52 ----------


Why is it that you don't want to explain why you think most motorists are dangerous idiots though, did you realise that it won't be a popular opinion, or hadn't you thought about how the majority speed on the motorway?


I did explain it. Did you find you were just unable to stop yourself typing this response.


---------- Post added 30-03-2018 at 14:03 ----------


Do you think that people doing 80 on the motorway are doing it by accident?


I don't generally break the 30 limit, but there are times when driving at a the huge excess speed of 37 would not be dangerous and not demonstrate a lack of judgement.


People doing 80 on the motorway are not a good thing either way.

If you're doing 80 on the motorway your speedometer is saying you're doing what? around 88. So you're a full 18ish mph over the limit. If you were doing this by accident then you're not really in control of the vehicle and the consequences of not being in control at those speeds could be very serious for yourself and others. Its dangerously ignorant. If you're doing this on purpose then you're very deliberately choosing to ignore the speed limit which makes you a dangerous idiot.


---------- Post added 30-03-2018 at 14:11 ----------


Do you even drive? I bet you do, and I bet you speed. I'd love to have a ride along with you, when you weren't being super specially careful because I was there of course, and laugh every time you exceeded the limit.

I've known a number of drivers tell me that they never speed, that's lasted all of about 5 minutes once I've been in the car with them.


I can imagine a few drivers that never speed though, they're scared to drive, and so over cautious that they're actually a danger through the hesitant way in which they drive. You see them occasionally, doing 30 in the 50 zone, not pulling out at a clear junction, hunched forwards, desperately gripping the wheel, perhaps you're one of those?


I do drive, but lets clear this up for you, I don't ever deliberately exceed the speed limit and I am very careful not to exceed the speed limit, where I do so by mistake I admonish myself for not sticking to the limit. It usually involves the speedometer reading a mile or two over, usually when going down a steep hill, so given speedometer accuracy I probably almost never actually exceed the speed limit.


Back to work now, but you keep telling people that exceeding the speed limit is safe and doesn't mean they're dangerous drivers. I'm sure none of them will ever overtake you dangerously as a result of their impatience, go on encourage the flouting of the law as something its Ok to do.


I'll stick to trying to keep myself and others safe by taking a zero tolerance approach to such a stupid and careless thing to do.


Stay Safe Cyclone.:thumbsup:

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I've received a speeding ticket on the date of 28.02.2018 for doing 37mph on a 30mph road on the date of 28.10.2017. I've read that I need to receive the ticket within 14 days of the days of the incident for it to be valid. I went today to the Police Station to ask what can be done about it and the lady from the reception found my file and said that it was sent to the previous owner (as I bought the car on the 14.10.2017) and that it took em so long to send it back to me and that I still have to show the persons that was driving the car on that date.


So in conclusion;


14.10.2017 - bought the car


28.10.2017 - went 7mph over the speed limit


28.02.2018 - received the ticket


Thank you


EDIT: for those <removed> who don't understand this post - Can I dispute this ticket ?


Thank you.


Can't believe you even got points for 7mph over, especially by camera. Most cops over here won't even give a ticket under 10 km(6 mph),and it would not even be close to 100 dollars, let alone pounds. No points would be issued by the court under 15km(9.3 mph).

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