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Sheffield train electrification cancellation hidden by tories.

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Isn't that due to missing out Derby while the track is being re modelled ?


Yes. For comparison, note the 7.05 from Newcastle arrives at Kings Cross at 9.40, taking 2 hours 35 minutes with no intermediate stops. Presumably the business people of Edinburgh and Tyneside can fill a fast train, but in our case we normally can't so need to pick up more at Derby. There seems little practical reason why the Master Cutler couldn't always miss out Derby - as it once did.

Edited by 1978
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And why do the Tories do this sort of thing? Because they can and they can get away with it at the same time, because there are too many servile cap doffers in this country, who think the rich and privileged are better at running the country.


Well, we can't blame the EU for that, and too many stupid people make the EU the object of hatred, and not the Tories.


---------- Post added 01-04-2018 at 11:43 ----------


Yeah, because it was boom time during the 12 years of Labour wasnt it...... :rolleyes:


Face facts. Socialist Republic of South Yorkshire never gets anything because backward thinking inbreads try to thwart it at every opportunity. Just like they have done for decades before in our cessspit of a council chamber. Until people stop harking back to the so called glory days of the 70s, stop blaming the long dead Thatcher for every single failure in their lives, stop constantly wittering on about how we never have it as good as Leeds or Manchester and actually do something to get this city moving on its own two feet, NOTHING will change.


The stock cop out response of "Blame the Tories" just doesnt cut it.


We certainly don't get any boom times under the Tories. By the next General Election, they'll have been in for 30 out of the 43 years spanning 1979 to 2022, and the economy is expected to be sluggish until then. What will the excuse be then? Somehow, I didn't know there was a Socialist Republic of the East Midlands. The last time I checked, Chesterfield, Nottingham, Derby and Leicester weren't in South Yorkshire, and they've been shafted along with us.:roll: It is the Tories who canned electrification to the East Midlands after spending five years promising it, and nobody else, and with any luck, those Tory MPs in marginals along that route will pay the price.


---------- Post added 01-04-2018 at 11:48 ----------


Please don't mention the Northern Power House ,it has always made me laugh that much I nearly fall of my chair.

There's only one powerhouse - the London and South East one. Its the Northern Poorhouse.


---------- Post added 01-04-2018 at 12:08 ----------


Exactly. A non story if ever there was one.

Favouring the South East over everybody else isn't a non-story, when for every pound per head invested in transport up here, it's £5 or more per head down there.


---------- Post added 01-04-2018 at 12:10 ----------


Wasn't a North East Assebly turned down in a redferendum a few years ago?

Yes it was, around 20 years ago.


---------- Post added 01-04-2018 at 12:12 ----------


The decision to cancel the electrification of the Midland Mainline from Sheffield to London was hidden from the public during last years election.


The Tory Government had the electrification in their 2015 Manifesto.

The Tory Government cancelled the project in March 2017 before the election and announced it in July 2017 after the election.


They also failed to tell the public that they had been told that the Bi modes were not an alternative as none existed or even designed that could match the speed and acceleration of even the 40 year old HSTs in the current diesel fleet.


Source: National Audit Office Investigation into the Department for Transport’s decision to cancel three rail electrification projects.


Ironically train journeys to London in the summer will be temporarily the fastest ever by MML at 1hr 52min because of closure of Derby station, then permanently the slowest ever when London slower commuter train get priority.

The non-existant Bi-modes will make the journey slower still if ever introduced.

It's not failing to tell the public as if they'd lost the document and took three months to find it. They deliberately hid this deceitful act of double-dealing from the public until after the General Election.


---------- Post added 01-04-2018 at 12:13 ----------


It’s important because it shows that all the Evil Tory talk of a Northern Powerhouse is just a load of hot air.


And anybody still waiting with baited breath for the Evil Tories to spend £billions on us simple village folk Oop North once we leave the EU, will very likely die of asphyxiation.


Finally, how much is Crossrail personally costing me?


That’s right, nearly £16 BEELLION.


How much benefit will I get from it?




---------- Post added 30-03-2018 at 13:26 ----------



Ah yes, the “all politicians lie” card.


They all lie, right?


Except Sir Nige’ and the Trumpet, when those small-minded morons say something that agrees with your own small-minded prejudices.


Please, do us all a favour and stay off the internet for the Easter break. Take the grandkids out to the park or summat.

Crossrail 2 will cost nearly £30 billion.

Edited by pss60
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Isn't that due to missing out Derby while the track is being re modelled ?


Yes, and that point was made in my opening post.


The mess that the DfT have got into means that we in Sheffield will suffer for decades to come due to this failure which was hidden from us during the last General Election.


EMT services to London will be the slowest ever after the completion the Corby electrification despite being the fastest ever this summer.


The HS2 route avoiding Sheffield is part financially based on the MML being electrified from Clay Cross to Sheffield and not financed through HS2.

As it won't be -all HS2 routes should be re-evaluated.


In their figures, the Government have invented a class of train that is not even on the drawing board. A 125mph bi-mode carrying two days of diesel will have very poor acceleration and is unsuitable for the MML with its speed restriction

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Yes, and that point was made in my opening post.


The mess that the DfT have got into means that we in Sheffield will suffer for decades to come due to this failure which was hidden from us during the last General Election.


EMT services to London will be the slowest ever after the completion the Corby electrification despite being the fastest ever this summer.


The HS2 route avoiding Sheffield is part financially based on the MML being electrified from Clay Cross to Sheffield and not financed through HS2.

As it won't be -all HS2 routes should be re-evaluated.


In their figures, the Government have invented a class of train that is not even on the drawing board. A 125mph bi-mode carrying two days of diesel will have very poor acceleration and is unsuitable for the MML with its speed restriction


Yes, hidden from us and also the voters who live in the marginals on the route of the Midland Mainline - some of those Tory seats have majorities of less than 1,000. Electrification will only get back on the drawing board if the Tories get removed from office.

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Yes, hidden from us and also the voters who live in the marginals on the route of the Midland Mainline - some of those Tory seats have majorities of less than 1,000. Electrification will only get back on the drawing board if the Tories get removed from office.


Based on what evidence??


Labour have just as much record of making great pledges on infrastructure investments and then doing u-turns so big you can see them from space during their term in office. Also, out of curiosity, where exactly will they get the money from to do it?? Abbott the Abacus going to do some sums no doubt to make it look perfect.

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They'd be a lot more use than HS2 which is going to be hugely expensive, out of date before it even gets started, and merely shaves a few minutes off a trip to London.



It doesn't just do that though...it increases available capacity .....

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Guest busdriver1



Favouring the South East over everybody else isn't a non-story, when for every pound per head invested in transport up here, it's £5 or more per head down there.


And what is the population of the travel to work area of the South East compared to Yorkshire? Let me have a guess, about 7 times the size. Looks to me like they are getting a rough deal.

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Based on what evidence??


Labour have just as much record of making great pledges on infrastructure investments and then doing u-turns so big you can see them from space during their term in office. Also, out of curiosity, where exactly will they get the money from to do it?? Abbott the Abacus going to do some sums no doubt to make it look perfect.

Few things could be worse than spending five years promising electrification all the way to Sheffield and letting people believe it, only to take it away, and do it three months before the General Election, keep it a secret, then drop the bombshell one month after it. There ought to be an awful lot of resentful people in South Yorkshire and the East Midlands, especially in the marginals which that line passes through. Or is it fine by you to tell a pack of lies and deceive the electorate for a five full years?


---------- Post added 01-04-2018 at 18:14 ----------


And what is the population of the travel to work area of the South East compared to Yorkshire? Let me have a guess, about 7 times the size. Looks to me like they are getting a rough deal.


Oh dear, you're just the sort of cap doffer I was talking about. Its not just Yorkshire that's getting a raw deal - its the rest of the country. The figure is at least five times as much down there per head of population as up here. Now suppose there are seven times as many people down there as up here (which there aren't) - it would amount to 35 times as much spent down there.

Edited by pss60
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Guest busdriver1


Oh dear, you're just the sort of cap doffer I was talking about.


Lose the point so attack the poster, how very SF

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