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Sheffield train electrification cancellation hidden by tories.

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Lose the point so attack the poster, how very SF


I haven't lost the point. It is clearly fine by you for South Yorkshire to be treated as a second class outpost and be denied Midland Mainline electrification after being promised it for five years, and for a Government to delay announcing the scrapping of electrification until after the General Election, when they knew for three months before Polling Day that they were going to can it.

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Guest busdriver1
I haven't lost the point. It is clearly fine by you for South Yorkshire to be treated as a second class outpost and be denied Midland Mainline electrification after being promised it for five years, and for a Government to delay announcing the scrapping of electrification until after the General Election, when they knew for three months before Polling Day that they were going to can it.


And what does that prove. Loads of bad news gets buried before elections by all parties. The fact that the probable lower spend per head of population in the South East does not sit well with your agenda is the only clear point you have made.

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Few things could be worse than spending five years promising electrification all the way to Sheffield and letting people believe it, only to take it away, and do it three months before the General Election, keep it a secret, then drop the bombshell one month after it. There ought to be an awful lot of resentful people in South Yorkshire and the East Midlands, especially in the marginals which that line passes through. Or is it fine by you to tell a pack of lies and deceive the electorate for a five full years?


That is not what I asked and you know it.


If you are going to make some submissions have some guts to back them up. You dont just change the subject and try to desprately move on.


Remember what you boldly claimed:


Electrification will only get back on the drawing board if the Tories get removed from office.


Now, would you like to have another go at actually answering the question and providing some evidence to support your submission.

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Well it should do, as the Railways are a transit system that is faster than road travel for longer distances. If the railways are improved there will be less traffic on the roads and you will be affected by a reduction in congestion.


Good post, I'll go with that idea, owt that reduces congestion on the roads is a decent idea.



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Guest makapaka
Yeah, because it was boom time during the 12 years of Labour wasnt it...... :rolleyes:


Face facts. Socialist Republic of South Yorkshire never gets anything because backward thinking inbreads try to thwart it at every opportunity. Just like they have done for decades before in our cessspit of a council chamber. Until people stop harking back to the so called glory days of the 70s, stop blaming the long dead Thatcher for every single failure in their lives, stop constantly wittering on about how we never have it as good as Leeds or Manchester and actually do something to get this city moving on its own two feet, NOTHING will change.


The stock cop out response of "Blame the Tories" just doesnt cut it.


Neither does the stock cop out response that we are a socialist republic stuck in the 1970s

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That is not what I asked and you know it.


If you are going to make some submissions have some guts to back them up. You dont just change the subject and try to desprately move on.


Remember what you boldly claimed:




Now, would you like to have another go at actually answering the question and providing some evidence to support your submission.


The NAO clearly reports that the Treasury (Tory) told the Department of Transport (Tory) that they had to reduce the spending on the confirmed projects in the current financial plan (CP5 and CP6). They did not tell the DfT what to cut.

Therefore any decision made by the Conservative Minister would have been unpopular.

Therefore it became a political decision:

a) as to which planned projects were stopped and

b) not to tell Parliament or the Public until after the General Election.


The NAO point is that the MML decision was flawed on technical grounds.

Costing of untried technology is misleading.

Delay in reporting to Parliament is was influenced by the timing of the election.

In addition the timing of these decisions will have affected the facts used to determine that the HS2 route change was cost effective.


This mess puts Sheffield at an even bigger disadvantage to Manchester and Leeds in creating growth.

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That is not what I asked and you know it.


If you are going to make some submissions have some guts to back them up. You dont just change the subject and try to desprately move on.


Remember what you boldly claimed:




Now, would you like to have another go at actually answering the question and providing some evidence to support your submission.

Sheffield has been shafted big time here, and you're not bothered. Another cap doffer endorsing this outrageous snub.

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Guest makapaka
And what is the population of the travel to work area of the South East compared to Yorkshire? Let me have a guess, about 7 times the size. Looks to me like they are getting a rough deal.


Maybe that’s because we don’t have the infrastructure.


It’s alright saying more people travel in the south east - that’s because they have the transport links to do so.


We’re 30 something miles from Manchester but tell someone you’re working there and expect a sympathetic eye roll. We should be able to get there in half an hour every half hour.

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Point noted.


Thank you for confirming that you dont have anything to back up your submissions. I am not prepared to waste any more time on you.


Statement: "Electrification will only get back on the drawing board if the Tories get removed from office."


Reply: "Based on what evidence?? "


Statement: When the political decisions are NOT made by a Government run by a party who have changed their mind on electrification five times in 8 years.


Political decisions are being made based on financial needs and the inability of Network Rail to deliver.

Transport infrastructure projects are long term and should be managed thus.

Announcements are timed by Governments to maximise image and support.


This Government has been found out.

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