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Sheffield train electrification cancellation hidden by tories.

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The replacement of the local "bus carriages" is down to Northern and disability access.


A Government goon suggested that the 40 year old HST diesels could pull the "25 year old " soon to be made redundant VTEC/ECML carriages. When a enthusiast pointed out they have a very high risk of colliding with platform edges the error was compounded by suggesting that ex-coal freight diesels could be used- it's the carriages that don't fit.

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The replacement of the local "bus carriages" is down to Northern and disability access.


A Government goon suggested that the 40 year old HST diesels could pull the "25 year old " soon to be made redundant VTEC/ECML carriages. When a enthusiast pointed out they have a very high risk of colliding with platform edges the error was compounded by suggesting that ex-coal freight diesels could be used- it's the carriages that don't fit.


Maybe a bright spark might suggest using surplus diesel locomotives to haul some of the modern, but now redundant, 3rd rail electric stock. There are plenty of both available. Naa, that would never work, would it? Stupid idea. Probably foul on platforms again, and incompatibility issues. No spare capacity in the workshops anyway, but some thinking outside the box looks to be needed.

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Its funny how they can build high speed lines in France and have electrification crews to wire them up. Same with the rest of Europe.

There is a simple technical reason for this. France and Spain were able to run new railway infrastructure far easier than UK because their capital city is in the middle rather than at one corner and therefore everything is nicely spread out.


In Spain, much of the centre of the county is desert with most of the population living near the coast, because the climate is more tolerable there. The AVE was built with every regional centre having a 2 hour (or less) journey to Madrid which is right in the centre.


Meanwhile in the UK, the greater London area is in the densely populated south east.

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There is a simple technical reason for this. France and Spain were able to run new railway infrastructure far easier than UK because their capital city is in the middle rather than at one corner and therefore everything is nicely spread out.


In Spain, much of the centre of the county is desert with most of the population living near the coast, because the climate is more tolerable there. The AVE was built with every regional centre having a 2 hour (or less) journey to Madrid which is right in the centre.


Meanwhile in the UK, the greater London area is in the densely populated south east.

The dearth of electrification projects post-privatisation meant electrification crews retiring, not being replaced, and nobody was left with the foggiest idea of how to manage an electrification project and wire up a stretch of line. Our lines should have been electrified by 2010, but Tory Governments were only interested in trying to buy off the voters with phony tax cuts, paid for out of privatisation receipts, and let our infrastructure crumble as a result.

Edited by pss60
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The dearth of electrification projects post-privatisation meant electrification crews retiring, not being replaced, and nobody was left with the foggiest idea of how to manage an electrification project and wire up a stretch of line. Our lines should have been electrified by 2010, but Tory Governments were only interested in trying to buy off the voters with phony tax cuts, paid for out of privatisation receipts, and let our infrastructure crumble as a result.


Cost cutting didn't start with privatisation the country has been dealing with poor line working skills since the 80s if not earlier, the East Coast Mainline struggles with poor quality line work when compared to the West Coast. Regular travellers through Doncaster will be aware of how often the lines go down.

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Cost cutting didn't start with privatisation the country has been dealing with poor line working skills since the 80s if not earlier, the East Coast Mainline struggles with poor quality line work when compared to the West Coast. Regular travellers through Doncaster will be aware of how often the lines go down.

Yes, it was part of the 'appearance of fattening up' process for privatisation. The Tories knew they were going to privatise the railways in the mid-1980s if they were given the chance to do so - and they were given that chance by an apathetic and totally supine electorate which thought about tax cuts and little else. The masts on the East Coast are further apart than those on the West, and we have headspans on the East Coast whereas on the West Coast, its overhead gantries dating back to the early 1960s.

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There is a simple technical reason for this. France and Spain were able to run new railway infrastructure far easier than UK because their capital city is in the middle rather than at one corner and therefore everything is nicely spread out.


In Spain, much of the centre of the county is desert with most of the population living near the coast, because the climate is more tolerable there. The AVE was built with every regional centre having a 2 hour (or less) journey to Madrid which is right in the centre.


Meanwhile in the UK, the greater London area is in the densely populated south east.


Your technical reason dont make any reasonable sense. There are many things missing in your line of thinking.


Close your eyes, take a deep breath and when you open them again start fresh with a sense of realism.

Or you will never see things the way they are.

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The dearth of electrification projects post-privatisation meant electrification crews retiring, not being replaced, and nobody was left with the foggiest idea of how to manage an electrification project and wire up a stretch of line. Our lines should have been electrified by 2010, but Tory Governments were only interested in trying to buy off the voters with phony tax cuts, paid for out of privatisation receipts, and let our infrastructure crumble as a result.


What rubbish, if the lines were meant to be eletrified by 2010 as you state then this would have been the responsibility of the outgoing Labour government.

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Making false phony empty promises in politics is illegal now in many more developed EU countries. You can be charged in a court of law.

Boris Johnson could be sentenced for his big statements on that bus for brexit campaigns.

In UK idiots will ask him to be next PM when they need one. They will not learn that lesson of lies here.


A second hand car salesperson is typically seen as a lying dirty *******.

I see UK politicians as a group lower than that because they can lie and then say, hey its normal and ok to lie, its for my job to get thick idiot voters who will never get it anyway.


Electrification of main lines should have been done more than 30 years ago. Sleepy sleepy and still wondering, thinking, scratching their bald skulls thinking about something that needs doing.

Thinking don't get the job done, you need to do it. If its all about money they need to drop that HS2 immediately cause that is the biggest waste of money I have ever seen in any country I have ever lived in.

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