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Sheffield train electrification cancellation hidden by tories.

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]It’s important because it shows that all the Evil Tory talk of a Northern Powerhouse is just a load of hot air.[/b]


And anybody still waiting with baited breath for the Evil Tories to spend £billions on us simple village folk Oop North once we leave the EU, will very likely die of asphyxiation.


Finally, how much is Crossrail personally costing me?


That’s right, nearly £16 BEELLION.


How much benefit will I get from it?




---------- Post added 30-03-2018 at 13:26 ----------



Ah yes, the “all politicians lie” card.


They all lie, right?


Except Sir Nige’ and the Trumpet, when those small-minded morons say something that agrees with your own small-minded prejudices.


Please, do us all a favour and stay off the internet for the Easter break. Take the grandkids out to the park or summat.




Couldn't agree more.


Pretty disgusting whichever way you look at it.

We need a Northern Assembly to fight our corner more than ever.

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More important is the way Sheffield will loose out

Apart from Newcastle, Hull, Bradford and Liverpool every major English city will be closer to London and the economic centre of England by journey time.

In particular both Leeds and Manchester will have newer, faster and more frequent trains.


The excuse used by the treasury was that there would be less benefit to Sheffield because of HS2. A totally erroneous calculation according to the NAO.

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Wasn't a North East Assebly turned down in a redferendum a few years ago?


I don't remember a referendum, but I think the idea has been mooted a few times. Has the idea of all the Yorkshire regions been resolved yet, or are Sheffield council still holding out?


It honestly feels like another country up here compared to London. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but I do think we deserve our fair share of funding, and infrastructure support.

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I don't remember a referendum, but I think the idea has been mooted a few times. Has the idea of all the Yorkshire regions been resolved yet, or are Sheffield council still holding out?


It honestly feels like another country up here compared to London. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but I do think we deserve our fair share of funding, and infrastructure support.


Yeah, it would be nice but it won't happen not now, certainly not post-brexit, not ever.

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I don't remember a referendum, but I think the idea has been mooted a few times. Has the idea of all the Yorkshire regions been resolved yet, or are Sheffield council still holding out?


It honestly feels like another country up here compared to London. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but I do think we deserve our fair share of funding, and infrastructure support.


Here it is https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_East_England_devolution_referendum,_2004

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Mmm... 2004 was a long time ago. We've undergone a sea change since then, with the financial crash and austerity etc which has affected the North far more than the South. Yet all the restructuring and investment seems to have gone into the South East, with nothing but fine words and no action for the North.


That's why we really need strong and effective representation in Parliament, and among the movers and shakers who invariably inhabit London, and rarely venture north of Watford. A strong entrepreneurial Mayor might help, but what's the betting we get some failed, ineffective politician or worse - an ex-Councillor, which will be simply throwing more money down the drain.

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Multiple articles about Corby electrification. Local articles from Bedford and Luton, Rail industry journals, Union news, Web groups etc..


The MML was electrified many years ago from Bedford to London St Pancras with knitting which can only cope with a maximum speed for electric commuter trains of 100 mph.

The maximum speed is for diesels is 125 mph.

There are mainly four (electrified) lines with the 100 mph Bedford to London electrified commuter stoppers mainly separated from the 125 mph Sheffield/Nottingham diesels.


Decades after original closure the single track branch line to Corby from Kettering was reopened with a limited service.

When MML electrification was finalised it was decided that for operational reasons(not financial) the branch from Corby to Kettering then on to Bedford would be doubled all the way, electrified at 125 mph with new 125 mph trains. This is in progress now and the new service from Corby to London will use the fast lines to London as they will only stop at the minor commuter stations.


The consequences are that:

Our 125 mph diesels will be following 100 mph electric trains and will have to slow down.

We will loose connections to Bedford, Luton, Luton Airport etc.

There will be no connections available with the new East West rail at Bedford.

Kettering, Market Harborough, Bedford will loose fast trains to London and connections to the North.


Also, many of the services from Sheffield/Nottingham to London are provided by obsolete but very popular and high capacity HSTs and a major reason why MML electrification was financially positive was that their replacement by electric trains would pay for itself.


The situation is such a farce that the Government has not delayed the preparation for MML electrification with work at Leicester southward being done to try to speed up the route.


The massive disruption and closures involved in making the MML electrification ready,work at Nottingham(done), Derby(this summer), Leicester/Kettering(in progress) is still going on. With Sheffield coming soon, or is it...


This is the elephant in the room is:

The new route for HS2 into Sheffield is all about saving money with a £1 billion pound reduction in costs as it would be using the (now non existent) electrified line from Clay Cross to Sheffield.


The future for HS2 extension on the eastern side of the Pennines is uncertain again- it was always the weakest link in the plan.

The future of the MML is even more uncertain with the Government 'inventing' impossible performances for future 'bi-modes' and promising ex-East Coast Mainline carriages to add to the HSTs which are out of gauge on the MML.

The full NAO and Parliament Committee reports are on their way


As both Network Rail and Department of Transport are the Government controlled and totally embarrassed by it all you won't get an answer from these.

EMT can only try its best to maintain a positive customer face while having the Government by the throat in its contractual negotiation with the Government over the next franchise.

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