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Increased Fines for Littering - £150.

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Local authorities can now fine litter droppers up to £150 per incident.


Great but who exactly is going to police this given the fact that we continue have persistent fly tipping that we don't seem to be able to get to grips with?

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Local authorities can now fine litter droppers up to £150 per incident.


Great but who exactly is going to police this given the fact that we continue have persistent fly tipping that we don't seem to be able to get to grips with?


The Myriad of CCTV cameras is there best shot since theres barely any bobbies on the beat

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Some councils put hidden cameras around known fly tipping spots to catch offenders


Reading The Star the other day, there was a story about a piece of land down Firth Park that the locals have identified as regular hot spot for fly tipping. Clearly no hidden camera watching this spot.

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Maybe if the fines were used locally to employ more people to catch the offenders, including throwing cash at the flytipping issue's, the problem would cure itself.

Just a thought.


Typically the council only grits a couple of quid from the fines.


Litter patrols are run by private firms who profit from the fines.


Google them, especially a firm called Kingdom. A firm that reportedly runs incentives for handing out fines. Incentives that lead employees to bully, intimidated and harass INNOCENT VICTIMS, refuse to display their IDs and even patrol out of uniform despite being required under the council contract.

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Very difficult to stop littering.

Quite a few have no idea they can be fined and others are not in the least worried.


As an example, I've walked along the Don recently and the river seems strewn with litter everywhere, both the footpaths and the river itself.

There are volunteers who do attempt to clean up the footpaths on a weekly basis.


Some dog owners, be it an isolated few, pick up their dog mess in plastic bags and throw the bags into the bushes.

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Local authorities can now fine litter droppers up to £150 per incident.


Great but who exactly is going to police this given the fact that we continue have persistent fly tipping that we don't seem to be able to get to grips with?


That problem can be easily solved by allowing long wheelbase vans in the dump it sites. Fly tipping was never the problem it is now before the council sub contracted the tips out to their buddies at Veolia and they put barriers up.

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That problem can be easily solved by allowing long wheelbase vans in the dump it sites. Fly tipping was never the problem it is now before the council sub contracted the tips out to their buddies at Veolia and they put barriers up.


I'll say it really really really slowly so you get it.










I can take my long wheel base, high roof van to my local dumpit site. "No trade waste mate?" - no there isn't. Got rid of 3 piece suit and a couple of other bulky items over the past year. On my last visit I noticed a pile of rubbish no more than 50 yards from the gates of said (Derbyshire county council) dumpit site. There are no shortage of sites popular with fly tipping scrubbers between there and where I live.


Some people are scrubbers who will come out with every excuse under the sun not to dispose of rubbish correctly.


What's yours?

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