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Dropped Kerb - People blocking it

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Does anyone know if this is true:


It is illegal to block access to the highway,but not to your drive.


In other words if you come home each day to find someone parked outside blocking access to your drive, there is nothing you can do about it?

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Does anyone know if this is true:


It is illegal to block access to the highway,but not to your drive.


In other words if you come home each day to find someone parked outside blocking access to your drive, there is nothing you can do about it?


Unfortunately that is true. Not a clue why it isn't illegal in the UK. However, if someone does it persistently it is worth informing the police as they can potentially charge the owner on grounds of inconsiderate road-use (forgot the exact wording).


Been there, done that. After a chat with the person in question and later a chat with the local PCSO it was resolved reasonably amicably, but a huge pita...

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Does anyone know if this is true:


It is illegal to block access to the highway,but not to your drive.


In other words if you come home each day to find someone parked outside blocking access to your drive, there is nothing you can do about it?


Its only illegal to block a drive with a drop kerb if there is a car already on it.

I had a right mare with someone continually blocking my drive and leaving their car there all day.

Council, no help!

SYP, no help!

Bird seed accidentally dropped all over the car. Worked a treat!"

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The solution is quite simple. Buy, or borrow, a second car to keep on your drive at all times. You can then have them towed when they block it in. You lose nothing by doing this as they are preventing you from using your drive anyway.


* just as an aside, could you claim they were blocking access to the highway if you only have a push bike? Technically you should only gain access to the road from your property via a dropped curb so...

Edited by barleycorn
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* just as an aside, could you claim they were blocking access to the highway if you only have a push bike? Technically you should only gain access to the road from your property via a dropped curb so...


I would have thought the vehicle in question would have to be a vehicle with an engine for this to apply, but you never know.

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But does it? I can't be bothered to read thought the RTA to find out. I have an idea...


It is illegal to block access for a bicycle to the highway. FACT.


There, now we just need to wait for cyclone to point out if I'm wrong by quoting the relevant sections...

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Does anyone know if this is true:


It is illegal to block access to the highway,but not to your drive.


In other words if you come home each day to find someone parked outside blocking access to your drive, there is nothing you can do about it?


There's got to be more to this. You must know this person or at least have seen them returning to their car. Have you had a word? Or is it not the same person everyday?

Is it an ongoing neighbour dispute? have you upset them and now they're retaliating.

How is the access restricted? are they parking opposite your drive so you can't swing in or deliberately parking across it? Come on tell the whole story.

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