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Dropped Kerb - People blocking it

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There's got to be more to this. You must know this person or at least have seen them returning to their car. Have you had a word? Or is it not the same person everyday?

Is it an ongoing neighbour dispute? have you upset them and now they're retaliating.

How is the access restricted? are they parking opposite your drive so you can't swing in or deliberately parking across it? Come on tell the whole story.


A street of Victorian houses, now all converted into three flats or bedsits.

A station either end of the mile long road, so busy 24/7. Different cars block the drive every day. It's just a question of too many cars, not enough parking spaces.

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A street of Victorian houses, now all converted into three flats or bedsits.

A station either end of the mile long road, so busy 24/7. Different cars block the drive every day. It's just a question of too many cars, not enough parking spaces.


Just generally people being ignorant <removed> then. You have my sympathy. I would definitely move somewhere more convenient if you need to have a car, it would do my head in.

Edited by nikki-red
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If your car is on the drive and someone blocks it in I believe you can call the council. They will send a traffic warden around to give them a ticket.


Read first post.

It's not about being blocked in and being unable to access the highway. It's about not being able to access my driveway.

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AFAIK you can get the council to put a white line across it, you will have to pay about £150 I think but then no one including yourself should then park in front of the dropped kerb. This may deter the dimwits parking there and the police can deal with it as an obstruction= https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/content/dam/sheffield/docs/parking/request-h-or-disabled-markings/Guidance%20and%20application%20form%20for%20%27H%27%20markings.doc


More info here= https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/home/parking/request-h-disabled-bay-markings.html

Edited by mafya
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AFAIK you can get the council to put a white line across it, you will have to pay about £150 I think but then no one including yourself should then park in front of the dropped kerb. This may deter the dimwits parking there and the police can deal with it as an obstruction= https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/content/dam/sheffield/docs/parking/request-h-or-disabled-markings/Guidance%20and%20application%20form%20for%20%27H%27%20markings.doc


More info here= https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/home/parking/request-h-disabled-bay-markings.html


This is definitely worth considering. We've hardly had any problems since we had an H bar painted over our drive. That and a big yellow notice. Part of the problem previously was that some people didn't even realise they were blocking a driveawy. Lord knows how, you'd think a car parked on it would be a dead giveaway......but I think sometimes they just see a space and think "nice one, job done".


I don't think it gives anyone any extra authority to move the offending vehicles, but it does make people think twice before they park there.

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Does anyone know if this is true:


It is illegal to block access to the highway,but not to your drive.


In other words if you come home each day to find someone parked outside blocking access to your drive, there is nothing you can do about it?


My first house was on a very busy road with few driveways, so the entire road was always full of parked cars on both sides. I was one of the few with a driveway but fairly regularly I'd have a car overhanging the entrance to it.

More often than not I could drive around the obstructing cars and exit the driveway but on a few occasions it was completely blocked and I had to resort to moving the vehicles myself (trolley jack under rear suspension cross member or central jacking point, then push the vehicle out of the way).


I'm pretty sure this isn't quite legal and might technically count as theft, but we don't all have time to report such blockages and wait for something to be done about it. I don't think I'd advise others to repeat my actions though.

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AFAIK you can get the council to put a white line across it, you will have to pay about £150 I think but then no one including yourself should then park in front of the dropped kerb. This may deter the dimwits parking there and the police can deal with it as an obstruction= https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/content/dam/sheffield/docs/parking/request-h-or-disabled-markings/Guidance%20and%20application%20form%20for%20%27H%27%20markings.doc


More info here= https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/home/parking/request-h-disabled-bay-markings.html


We investigated this, asked the council if it would be enforceable. Answer is no unfortunately.

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