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Extend the sugar tax

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Governments trying to influence non-criminal behaviour is not something I’m comfortable witg personally.


Really, because public health campaigns have existed since before you were born.


They attempt to influence behaviour through education, taxation, licensing, laws. In fact you could argue that influencing behaviour is exactly why government exists.

The ongoing decline in smoking is largely down to government programs, do you disagree with that?


Oh, and don't forget that private corporations are trying to influence you to eat more, drink more, smoke more, spend more and health be damned.

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So called “sin taxes” on sugary drinks, alcohol and tobacco not only work, but will help rather than unduly penalise the poor, according to a major new international analysis.


Just a day before the UK brings in a levy on sugary drinks, experts are urging every country in the world to use taxes to deter people from the eating, drinking and smoking habits that will damage their health. They warn of the urgent need to check the spread of cancers, diabetes, heart disease, stroke and other conditions caused or exacerbated by our lifestyles which have overtaken infectious diseases as the biggest killers of the modern age.


It's not entirely wrong that such things generate tax for the government either, although the income should be dedicated to the NHS since the outcome of the products increases the burden on the NHS.

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Just another Government revenue raising scheme dressed up as something to improve peoples health.


HMRC tax biscuits but not cakes, the system is very complex. So long as this sugar tax is easy enough to administer, it has been shown to do some good - by some fizzy drinks manufactures reducing the sugar in their products.


---------- Post added 07-04-2018 at 09:56 ----------


The Irish Heart Foundation’s Cliona Loughnane claimed research had shown that the tax has cut consumption of sugary drinks in Mexico and France.



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Guest makapaka
Really, because public health campaigns have existed since before you were born.


They attempt to influence behaviour through education, taxation, licensing, laws. In fact you could argue that influencing behaviour is exactly why government exists.

The ongoing decline in smoking is largely down to government programs, do you disagree with that?


Oh, and don't forget that private corporations are trying to influence you to eat more, drink more, smoke more, spend more and health be damned.


So because it’s been happening a long time you can’t question it?


I don’t recall defending private organisations either.


As for the other points there are certain things governments rightly do to keep people safe from the actions of others and to allow us to function as a society - restricting people freedom of choice by pricing them out of activities is not something I’m particularly happy with - as always it won’t affect people of sufficient means - just the poorer members of society.

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Just another Government revenue raising scheme dressed up as something to improve peoples health.


And why not!

Do you agree with your taxes being used to fund other people’s healthcare purely because they cannot be educated with regards to the damage sugar does to their and their children’s health.

There has been enough information put out with regards the danger of having too much sugar for years, people haven’t listened and now our elected ( like it or not ) government are doing something about it.

For me, sugar can be taxed the same as cigarettes.

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Just another Government revenue raising scheme dressed up as something to improve peoples health.


The Government have been lowering some employment taxes, it may be necessary and easier to tax employment, but other ways of raising taxes is preferable.

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