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Military action against assad.

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You want to think back a bit Penistone,look what happened after saddam and gadaffi not a great success there and the same result will face Syria.Why has trump changed his mind without waiting for positive proof that it was a chemical attack by assad and no other forces involved?

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That hasnt stopped Assad and that Commie Putin .


---------- Post added 14-04-2018 at 21:07 ----------



The Islamist nutjobs are already active in Syria , so i dont see your point .


---------- Post added 14-04-2018 at 21:08 ----------



No , because old Commie Corbyn would have waved the white flag and voted against it.


If Assad falls Syria will turn into another Libya, the extremists will gain a foothold and the likes of Isis will regroup.

Assad is the lesser of two evils but it all comes down to wanting a pipeline through Syria really.....

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If Assad falls Syria will turn into another Libya, the extremists will gain a foothold and the likes of Isis will regroup.

Assad is the lesser of two evils but it all comes down to wanting a pipeline through Syria really.....


There's no evidence that it's anything to do with a pipeline.

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Mrs May does not have a majority in Parliament which skews the legality issue. Nor did she wait for the weapons inspectors to get in there and asses the situation, so no evidence so far that will stand up in court that Assad was responsible.


I do hope that it will emerge she had a legally watertight case for going in, otherwise it will weaken the international rules of engagement and could be used to justify other nations in future conflicts going in without proper justification. There was no reason to rush.


There will undoubtedly be repercussions on the ground in the UK in the form of more terrorist attacks. I hope the British people consider it was worth it considering nobody was asked. No one knows how Putin will respond.


Is it really a good idea to bomb chemical weapon sites when you aren't sure what is stored there? - Isn't that risking the spread of possible viruses and toxins further?


Considering the only hope for long term stability in Syria probably lies with Assad, it's a bit of an own goal.


I actually hope the opposite Anna B.

She is so desperate, has no clear majority, couldn't wait to consult parliament as she was on a hiding to nothing, and jumps to the Nut case Trump's tune.

This is a nightmare scenario, brought on by D listers.

I hope she gets exposed and I hope she cops it large in Parliament, though I fear we may be too late...


---------- Post added 14-04-2018 at 22:29 ----------


It's okay, because we'd just be bombing ISIS in Syria, exactly like Russia are doing. If they keep missing their ISIS targets and bombing Syrian rebels who are fighting Assad, how is that any different to us missing our ISIS targets and accidentally bombing Assad? What's good for the goose...


Wow that's clever Waldo, why didn't the military think of that, you are sooo clever!

We could sort 'em out couldn't we?

After all, the British had a massive empire, we had queen Vic, hell we even had Churchill!

Don't these people know who we are?

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About as blatant as it gets...


Sky News Abruptly Cuts Off British Forces Commander Over Syria Comments


---------- Post added 15-04-2018 at 07:13 ----------


White Helmets & the UK



My comment: "Stupid is as stupid does". Have we now reached "Peak Stupid"?

Edited by Marsman
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That hasnt stopped Assad and that Commie Putin .


---------- Post added 14-04-2018 at 21:07 ----------



The Islamist nutjobs are already active in Syria , so i dont see your point .


---------- Post added 14-04-2018 at 21:08 ----------



No , because old Commie Corbyn would have waved the white flag and voted against it.

You think that Putin and his gang are communist's €€€€€€€€€€€€€$$$$$$$$$$$ that is all they care about.

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The far left never let the facts get in the way of a good rant at the far right. :rolleyes:


There’s the issue of U.K. and US-supplied regimes killing children.


But they do it with conventional weapons so that ok right?


You people need to give your head a wobble

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You are in favour of Assad being toppled and the extremist head choppers to take his place then? :rolleyes:


Yes, this is why the propaganda about Assad has to be so loud and so long. Because otherwise people might start asking questions about why we are aiding Islamic State.


There is literally NO discussion on the opposition to Assad, the people we are supporting.


---------- Post added 15-04-2018 at 09:52 ----------


Are you also in favour of the uk supplying arms to Saudi Arabia that are being used to kill civilians?

What’s your opinion on cluster bombs and white phosphorous ammunition’s that the west uses?


Again, there's no discussion on this. Obviously we kill people in an "appropriate" way as opposed to the rotter Assad, who kills them in a very inappropriate way. :roll:


---------- Post added 15-04-2018 at 09:57 ----------


My comment: "Stupid is as stupid does". Have we now reached "Peak Stupid"?


As long as we have a directed media we can get a lot more stupid yet.

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