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Military action against assad.

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There's no evidence that it's anything to do with a pipeline.

It might not be anything to do with a pipeline, but if Assad gets toppled, Syria will fall into the hands of hardline Islamists, and most likely Islamic State, as they're the most powerful outfit in Syria after Assad's forces. Our leaders know that but they're on an ego trip, and far too many among our population are too stupid to realise that. Clearly, the lessons of the Arab Spring have been ignored.


Also, I notice there is no condemnation of the Turks bombing the Kurds in Northern Syria from May. These Kurds have enough on their plate fighting ISIS terrorists without having to put up with being bombed by the Turks as well. And why are people who go out there to fight Islamic State regarded as terrorists and threatened with arrest if they return to Britain, when they're trying to destroy our Islamic State enemies?


---------- Post added 15-04-2018 at 11:43 ----------


wrong wrong wrong! its about time the west stood up to this madness and did something is there only us that has to act? everyone i have spoken to today is firmly in the May camp and the bombings were more than justified.

lets hope for more to wipe out Assad and his targetted army posts and chemical factories.

You don't stand up to this madness by doing what Islamic State wants you to do. Islamic State also wants Assad to be wiped out, so they can take the reins of power in Syria, and we know what that would mean for the people of Syria, especially its Christian minority.

Edited by pss60
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wrong wrong wrong! its about time the west stood up to this madness and did something is there only us that has to act? everyone i have spoken to today is firmly in the May camp and the bombings were more than justified.

lets hope for more to wipe out Assad and his targetted army posts and chemical factories.


You must talk to some very ill informed sheeple. I suggest you get a different circle of friends.

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There’s the issue of U.K. and US-supplied regimes killing children.


But they do it with conventional weapons so that ok right?


You people need to give your head a wobble


So the recent strikes killed children did they? Can you people read properly, or is putting a X at the side of a name the extent of your intelligence?

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It might not be anything to do with a pipeline, but if Assad gets toppled, Syria will fall into the hands of hardline Islamists, and most likely Islamic State, as they're the most powerful outfit in Syria after Assad's forces. Our leaders know that but they're on an ego trip, and far too many among our population are too stupid to realise that. Clearly, the lessons of the Arab Spring have been ignored.


Also, I notice there is no condemnation of the Turks bombing the Kurds in Northern Syria from May. These Kurds have enough on their plate fighting ISIS terrorists without having to put up with being bombed by the Turks as well. And why are people who go out there to fight Islamic State regarded as terrorists and threatened with arrest if they return to Britain, when they're trying to destroy our Islamic State enemies?


---------- Post added 15-04-2018 at 11:43 ----------


You don't stand up to this madness by doing what Islamic State wants you to do. Islamic State also wants Assad to be wiped out, so they can take the reins of power in Syria, and we know what that would mean for the people of Syria, especially its Christian minority.


It's not about regime change,it's about the use of gas.

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Yeah. And last week I saw the Easter Bunny having a chat with the Tooth Fairy about what they were going to buy Father Christmas for his birthday.


That's just the Conspiracy Theorist fact free answer.

There's been years of this war where the Americans and the coalition could have staged a full scale invasion of Syria to get rid of the regime and install a puppet.......nothing of the kind has happened.

Trump wants out,and he is no more likely to want to topple Assad and spend billions propping up the puppet and rebuilding Syria,instead of on his America first project,than any other Western country is.

They are quite happy for Putin to be mired there for years,spending billions there instead of in Russia,and for the West to treat them both as pariah states and keep adding more sanctions on them.

The only thing to change this situation would be if Iran started doing stuff in there that Israel didn't like.


---------- Post added 15-04-2018 at 11:33 ----------


Western powers are to attempt to inject diplomatic momentum behind the military strikes against Syrian government chemical weapon sites by calling for the UN both to launch a broad investigation into Syria’s chemical weapons stockpiles and to try to reinvigorate the stalled UN peace talks.


The UN security council will meet on Monday to discuss the call for a wider push to eliminate the covert Syrian government stockpiles, placing pressure on Russia to stop protecting the Assad regime from a UN inquiry into its use of chemical weapons.


The three allies, the US, UK and France, have produced a draft UN resolution that also includes proposals for an independent investigation into alleged toxic gas attacks in Syria to identify perpetrators.


The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) would be instructed to report within 30 days whether President Assad’s government has fully disclosed its chemical weapons stockpile.


The security council has been deadlocked since last November over establishing an investigatory mechanism to identify responsibility for a chemical attacks, as opposed to determining whether an attack has occurred. The OPCW is in Damascus to certify whether a chemical attack occurred on 7 April , but it has no wider terms of reference.


The draft UN resolution also calls for medical evacuations and the safe passage for aid convoys to all areas of Syria.


A ceasefire resolution that was adopted in February but never materialised should also be enforced, it adds.


The document “demands” that the Assad regime engage in peace talks “in good faith, constructively and without pre-conditions”.





---------- Post added 15-04-2018 at 12:31 ----------


You are in favour of Assad being toppled and the extremist head choppers to take his place then? :rolleyes:









Alghorani is convinced that members of ISIS were released strategically by Assad. “From the first days of the revolution (in March 2011), Assad denounced the organisation as being the work of radical Salafists, so he released the Salafists he had created in his prisons to justify the claim ... If you do not have an enemy, you create an enemy.”


Fellow Syrians agree. “The regime did not just open the door to the prisons and let these extremists out, it facilitated them in their work, in their creation of armed brigades,” a former member of the Syrian Security Services told the Abu Dhabi newspaper, the National, on condition of anonymity in January this year.


“The regime knew what these people were. It knew what they wanted and the extent of their networks. Then it released them. These are the same people who are now in Iraq,” Al-Saud added

Edited by chalga
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So the recent strikes killed children did they? Can you people read properly, or is putting a X at the side of a name the extent of your intelligence?


I never said they did.


But plenty of air strikes have killed Syrian children using conventional weapons, often targeting civilian areas using illegal delivery methods like barrel bombs. It’s hypocritical not to deal with those war crimes but only deal with other forms of war crimes.


No need for insults either ;)

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It's not about regime change,it's about the use of gas.

Regime change lies at the heart of it. But as happens so often in the Middle East and North Africa, regime change means bad being replaced with even worse. The West hasn't learned the lessons of the early 2010s.

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Regime change lies at the heart of it. But as happens so often in the Middle East and North Africa, regime change means bad being replaced with even worse. The West hasn't learned the lessons of the early 2010s.

proof then please, thats its about regime change

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Regime change lies at the heart of it. But as happens so often in the Middle East and North Africa, regime change means bad being replaced with even worse. The West hasn't learned the lessons of the early 2010s.


The latest action was about use of chemical weapons,not regime change.

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