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Military action against assad.

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I never said they did.


But plenty of air strikes have killed Syrian children using conventional weapons, often targeting civilian areas using illegal delivery methods like barrel bombs. It’s hypocritical not to deal with those war crimes but only deal with other forms of war crimes.


No need for insults either ;)


Sorry, I wobbled my head as suggested by you, and it just came out. :rolleyes:

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Funny thing, the latest Yougov poll has public support for airstrikes at 25%.

Yet every TV station and newspaper is in favour. Not one is questioning the government.

You'd almost think we had a directed media.


i'm not sure i've found a tv station in favour, but the newspapers probably are because their leader writers understand that the west's policy of non-intervention has totally, utterly and completely failed.


non-intervention has reduced syria to the playground of the regional powers and russia, emboldened putin to the extent that he felt he could authorise a chemical weapon attack on the british mainland and allowed isis to create an infrastructure which has allowed them to spread their terrorism over the region and europe.


it's also left every other despot with the hope that they could use chemical weapons against their own people with impunity.


military intervention might not have produced a better result but it's difficult to see how it could have produced a worse one.

Edited by andyofborg
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Just seen in the Metro that Russia has a bomb that can wipe out an area twice the size of the UK in an instant


That's not good news, especially if you have booked your summer holiday for July


Oh great, no more skeggys.

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Just seen in the Metro that Russia has a bomb that can wipe out an area twice the size of the UK in an instant


That's not good news, especially if you have booked your summer holiday for July


old news, it was doing the rounds a few months ago

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Just seen in the Metro that Russia has a bomb that can wipe out an area twice the size of the UK in an instant


That's not good news, especially if you have booked your summer holiday for July


Better go and reinforce your bridge.

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strangely enough The National Front is opposed to bombing foriegners


The National Front strongly condemns the Unprovoked attack on Syria

14/04/2018 TonyMartin

The National Front strongly condemns the US attack on Syria. Syria has not threaten Britain and it is totally irresponsible for Teresa May’s government to join this American attack that could lead to war between Russia and America and drag us in.


The National Front calls for Britain to leave the dangerous war-mongerng US military alliance of NATO.

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