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Military action against assad.

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Yes lets start ww3,russia would not let that one pass without retaliation.



Not sure I agree. Take nuclear weapons out of the equation ( I realise you can’t) and Russia would be no match for NATO with conventional weapons. The Russian public has no stomach for dead bodies coming home in body bags any more than western publics. Afghanistan 1980s


---------- Post added 16-04-2018 at 11:23 ----------


i'm not sure i've found a tv station in favour, but the newspapers probably are because their leader writers understand that the west's policy of non-intervention has totally, utterly and completely failed.


“non-intervention” has reduced syria to the playground of the regional powers and russia, emboldened putin to the extent that he felt he could authorise a chemical weapon attack on the british mainland and allowed isis to create an infrastructure which has allowed them to spread their terrorism over the region and europe.


it's also left every other despot with the hope that they could use chemical weapons against their own people with impunity.


military intervention might not have produced a better result but it's difficult to see how it could have produced a worse one.


Intervention in Iraq and Libya had good outcomes for western govts didn’t it ?


---------- Post added 16-04-2018 at 11:25 ----------


Just seen in the Metro that Russia has a bomb that can wipe out an area twice the size of the UK in an instant


That's not good news, especially if you have booked your summer holiday for July



You’re referencing Metro as a source ? :hihi:

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Putin has no appetite for war. He just wants his people to know that they have a strong leader.


Trump flip flap flops constantly and on a given day may well press the button. But his generals will have made sure that the button is wired to turn on some relaxing piped music rather than the missile silos.

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Putin has no appetite for war. He just wants his people to know that they have a strong leader.


Trump flip flap flops constantly and on a given day may well press the button. But his generals will have made sure that the button is wired to turn on some relaxing piped music rather than the missile silos.




About sums it up

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Have we not learnt from past military actions yet? Our intervention in the middle east has only made the world less safe, whilst achieving virtually nothing. Both Afghanistan and Iraq are significantly less safe than they were before our most recent wars. It is pretty obvious that it is almost impossible to win a war these days. Yes you can get rid of a leader or a ruling party, you can install a democracy but the chances of an even worse leader coming to power seems to be rather high. So you are left with an unstable country with either a power vacuum and lots of infighting or a more stable country with an even worse reigiem than you have spent £billions on removing.


Our military should be a defence deterrent for ourselves and possibly some of our commonwealth partner countries. It should also do humanitarian work.


Yes I would love to see Assad go, and I would love to see no chemical weapons in use, and no wars full stop. This is not a winnable war. Most wars are not winnable. But even less so when Assad has Russian support. Hey Mr Putin you are pretty good at poisoning people in Britain can you send some more Chemicals to Assad in Syria. His chemical factory has just been destroyed. Oh sure thing Mr Assad, anything else we can help you with? No one can go to war with Russia without obliterating the whole planet. So in effect they can do whatever they want.

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Just seen in the Metro that Russia has a bomb that can wipe out an area twice the size of the UK in an instant


Metro October 2016 - states that Satan 2 would do limited damage and provides plenty of data:




Metro March 2018 - "Russia set to test ‘super nuke’ Satan-2 missile capable of wiping out Britain twice over" - provides very little data:



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