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Military action against assad.

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How about his one then?

An older one but nontheless still valid....

Independent Canadian journalist challenges MSM, explains what actually is going on in Syria


Caution: Before watching it maybe you should take another sip of your Cool-aid. :hihi:


Eva speaks the truth and now the proverbial is really beginning to hit the fan because everyone is becoming informed.

The internet is the only place to get the real news, and it is only the terminally dumb sheep who continue to quote British Brainwashing Corporation strap lines and MSM headlines.

The fact is that British ex SAS Black Ops Mercenary James le Mesurier was given a multi million $/£ USAID budget to fund and recruit a bespoke army of terrorists primed and ready to respond to any situation where regime change was required. Beginning with AlQaeda/AlNusra/AlShabbat/ ISIS/ Daesh/ and now the newest incarnation the White Helmets - criminals hiding in plain sight. Did anyone ever wonder where ISIS got their brand new Toyotas and rocket launchers from, or who was making their flags and individual bespoke uniforms?? Odd wasn't it that the US spy planes couldn't track the mile long convoy travelling across the desert, and chased them for five years... but it only took Russia one week to route them, and then they miraculously disappeared then morphed into White Helmets.



These people are mercenaries who kill for money. They have infiltrated ordinary citizens who were displeased with their lot and encouraged them to revolt. The arms and chemicals they used were provided by Saudi and the USA.

Open this link and please read it carefully.



The terrorist/White Helmets taught their children to act out a gas attack and then filmed it for MSM





Despite Robert Fisk and AON telling us the truth, the MSM still insist on spinning the lies.







This article knits it all together nicely.



ONLY the truly dim-witted would refute these ARTICLES. Whilst bowing to their God the British Brainwashing Corporation and MSM ...the enablers of liars and killers.. who they truly believe are the truth bringers.

I would laugh if were not so tragic.



1. An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.

2. A group of conspirators.

3. An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime, or accomplish a legal purpose, through illegal action.


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Eva speaks the truth and now the proverbial is really beginning to hit the fan because everyone is becoming informed.

The internet is the only place to get the real news, and it is only the terminally dumb sheep who continue to quote British Brainwashing Corporation strap lines and MSM headlines.

The fact is that British ex SAS Black Ops Mercenary James le Mesurier was given a multi million $/£ USAID budget to fund and recruit a bespoke army of terrorists primed and ready to respond to any situation where regime change was required. Beginning with AlQaeda/AlNusra/AlShabbat/ ISIS/ Daesh/ and now the newest incarnation the White Helmets - criminals hiding in plain sight. Did anyone ever wonder where ISIS got their brand new Toyotas and rocket launchers from, or who was making their flags and individual bespoke uniforms?? Odd wasn't it that the US spy planes couldn't track the mile long convoy travelling across the desert, and chased them for five years... but it only took Russia one week to route them, and then they miraculously disappeared then morphed into White Helmets.



These people are mercenaries who kill for money. They have infiltrated ordinary citizens who were displeased with their lot and encouraged them to revolt. The arms and chemicals they used were provided by Saudi and the USA.

Open this link and please read it carefully.



The terrorist/White Helmets taught their children to act out a gas attack and then filmed it for MSM





Despite Robert Fisk and AON telling us the truth, the MSM still insist on spinning the lies.







This article knits it all together nicely.



ONLY the truly dim-witted would refute these ARTICLES. Whilst bowing to their God the British Brainwashing Corporation and MSM ...the enablers of liars and killers.. who they truly believe are the truth bringers.

I would laugh if were not so tragic.



1. An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.

2. A group of conspirators.

3. An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime, or accomplish a legal purpose, through illegal action.



In 2003, the Damascus regime was panicked that then-US President George W. Bush, after his victory over Saddam Hussein, would have his troops continue into Syria to topple Assad as well. Thus, in the ensuing years, Syrian intelligence officials organized the transfer of thousands of radicals from Libya, Saudi Arabia and Tunisia to al-Qaida in Iraq. Ninety percent of the suicide attackers entered Iraq via the Syrian route. A strange relationship developed between Syrian generals, international jihadists and former Iraqi officers who had been loyal to Saddam -- a joint venture of deadly enemies, who met repeatedly to the west of Damascus.


At the time, the primary aim was to make the lives of the Americans in Iraq hell. Ten years later, Bashar Assad had a different motive to breathe new life into the alliance: He wanted to sell himself to the world as the lesser of several evils. Islamist terror, the more gruesome the better, was too important to leave it up to the terrorists. The regime's relationship with Islamic State is -- just as it was to its predecessor a decade prior -- marked by a completely tactical pragmatism. Both sides are trying to use the other in the assumption that it will emerge as the stronger power, able to defeat the discrete collaborator of yesterday. Conversely, IS leaders had no problem receiving assistance from Assad's air force, despite all of the group's pledges to annihilate the apostate Shiites. Starting in January 2014, Syrian jets would regularly -- and exclusively -- bomb rebel positions and headquarters during battles between IS and rebels


In battles between IS and rebels in January 2014, Assad's jets regularly bombed only rebel positions, while the Islamic State emir ordered his fighters to refrain from shooting at the army. It was an arrangement that left many of the foreign fighters deeply disillusioned; they had imaged jihad differently.


IS threw its entire arsenal at the rebels, sending more suicide bombers into their ranks in just a few weeks than it deployed during the entire previous year against the Syrian army. Thanks in part to additional air strikes, IS was able to reconquer territory that it had briefly lost.


Nothing symbolizes the tactical shifting of alliances more than the fate of the Syrian army's Division 17. The isolated base near Raqqa had been under rebel siege for more than a year. But then, IS units defeated the rebels there and Assad's air force was once again able to use the base for supply flights without fear of attack.


But a half year later, after IS conquered Mosul and took control of a gigantic weapons depot there, the jihadists felt powerful enough to attack their erstwhile helpers. IS fighters overran Division 17 and slaughtered the soldiers, whom they had only recently protected.




---------- Post added 24-04-2018 at 08:05 ----------


Vanessa Beeley is a British blogger who has written extensively about the White Helmets, which she describes as “al-Qaeda Civil Defence” and calls “legitimate targets” for military strikes – in direct contravention of international humanitarian law.


She is the daughter of the late British diplomat Sir Harold Beeley, and worked in various sales and management roles before turning to activism in 2012, writing about Gaza.



She has also secured the tacit backing of the Russian government: in May of last year Russia presented a document detailing allegations that the White Helmets were terrorists.


This document consisted entirely of a presentation Beeley had given at a talk in London earlier in the year.



As well as attacking the White Helmets, she has also said she believes the attack of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo was a staged operation, that al-Qaeda wasn’t behind the 9/11 attacks, and that NATO has “sleeper cells” living in suburban America who have infiltrated the anti-war movement. She has appeared onstage alongside holocaust deniers and has been interviewed for far-right German magazines.

Her reports on the ground from Syria are often produced under the supervision of Syrian MPs and the Syrian Army and the official regime line, Assad is fighting and killing terrorists, is uncritically repeated and then promoted by members of the WG.


Vanessa Beeley has also described meeting Bashar al-Assad as her “proudest moment”, and lauds his wife, Asma.




Despite this, the WG, founded by Professor Piers Robinson who also runs the Organisation for Propaganda Studies, insists Beeley is a credible source on which to base upcoming research.


Beeley has refused to be interviewed on a number of occasions.


Pat Hilsman, a freelance journalist who reported from Syria from 2012 to 2015, said: “When they say ‘we’re on the ground’, what they actually mean is they’ve been escorted to government-held zones.


“Their entire thing is to appeal to a low-information audience. They’ll say ‘we’re on the ground and no one’s ever heard of the White Helmets’ but then they’ll say ‘we’re on the ground, everyone who’s heard of the White Helmets say they’re thieves’.


“It’s things that are completely contradictory but so long as they’re negative and are arranged in this collage of lunacy it doesn’t matter to them.”



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The articles I linked to are not RT, Robert Fisks article was not an RT one was it?


---------- Post added 19-04-2018 at 22:51 ----------





Does this article I linked to earlier look like an RT article with a Russian or Iranian reporter? = https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/syria-chemical-attack-gas-douma-robert-fisk-ghouta-damascus-a8307726.html


Hi there Mafia,

I know you may feel as if you are a lone voice..... It is hard work trying to break through the thick wall, But it is important to keep trying. Our children and grandchildren are depending on us.

Here is a FANTASTIC video from Carla Ortiz an actress who was so I

distressed about Syria that she became an active freelance reporter.

I've spent the last two days watching her videos and this one is amazing, and puts everything into a nutshell...

I do not expect the MSM blinded sheep to watch. It might cause them to have a twinge of conscience?


This one is totally revealing.. The evil scum.


I'm sure this is not your only forum like me, so please share what I give you. The sooner the truth gets out, the sooner innocent people will be relieved.

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Hi there Mafia,

I know you may feel as if you are a lone voice..... It is hard work trying to break through the thick wall it is important to keep. Our children and grandchildren are depending on us.

Here is a FANTASTIC video from Carla Ortiz an actress who was so I

distressed about Syria that she became an active freelance reporter.

I've spent the last two days watching her videos and this one is amazing, and puts everything into a nutshell...

I do not expect the MSM blinded sheep to watch. It might cause them to have a twinge of conscience?


This one is totally revealing.. The evil scum.


I'm sure this is not your only forum like me, so please share what I give you. The sooner the truth gets out, the sooner innocent people will be relieved.

The good news is that more and more people are seeing MSM for the waste of space that it is. People are starting to open their eyes and see whats right in front of them. The sheeple continue to follow their masters into oblivion.

They wont be missed.

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The good news is that more and more people are seeing MSM for the waste of space that it is. People are starting to open their eyes and see whats right in front of them. The sheeple continue to follow their masters into oblivion.

They wont be missed.


Yes Dimple,

The people are beginning to lift the blinkers, and the picture is not a pretty one.

Unfortunately, if we are fooled long enough, then the truth is exposed - we feel like fools, and become disinterested in seeking any further for the truth. Because then we would have to acknowledge that EVERYONE will know for sure, that we have indeed been taken for a fool. Evidence is rejected and lies have been captured, which our reputations depend upon maintaining.

It is too painful then to acknowledge 'even to ourselves' that we really are fools.

You see, it's all about pride - and we know what pride does - it comes before a fall....

This is precisely why Chalga and Mell will never ever admit that they might just be wrong... they have too much invested, in trusting the Government and blindly believing the British Brainwashing Corporation and the MSM. As can be verified from the pages of rhetoric and derision. Unbelievably, eye witness accounts to them are 'lies.'

The saddest thing is that, it is the mind-set of people like these that give the war mongers the right to go into another man's land and kill innocent women and children.... to enable the M.I.C, Oil/Gas Cabal's, Banks and Contractors to share up the spoils

And they continue to hold their heads up???


I can't help wondering what is in it for them?


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Hi there Mafia,

I know you may feel as if you are a lone voice..... It is hard work trying to break through the thick wall, But it is important to keep trying. Our children and grandchildren are depending on us.

Here is a FANTASTIC video from Carla Ortiz an actress who was so I

distressed about Syria that she became an active freelance reporter.

I've spent the last two days watching her videos and this one is amazing, and puts everything into a nutshell...

I do not expect the MSM blinded sheep to watch. It might cause them to have a twinge of conscience?


This one is totally revealing.. The evil scum.


I'm sure this is not your only forum like me, so please share what I give you. The sooner the truth gets out, the sooner innocent people will be relieved.


Cheers for the links! ??

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Nice to see Russia,iran and turkey are working on a peace plan for Syria. They can't do any worse than the west allies have elsewhere in the region.

Alternative view: with those three, it's like working with three petrol companies' product in an effort to douse the Syrian fire.

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