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Military action against assad.

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What has gone on up to now in Syria will seem like a tea party when the real war starts between Israel and Iran , The Russians are allowing Iran to build massive bases close to the Isrealie border , this will lead to a big strike from the Isreali's who do not allow any one to threaten their security, the coming big avent will escalate into a full blown war involving all the current protagonists including us. In other words a World War fought on the lands of the middle East .The winners will be the ones who's nerve holds out the longest .

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It's started.

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the Israelis are actually being very careful. They've obviously had to respond to Iran's rocketing them last week. So what if Iron Dome took 90% of them down. That doesn't matter. They've got to hit them back regardless. Notice how Bibi made a quick hop to Moscow, his umpteenth visit in the past few months, in the interim in between to get the OK from the Russians and to avoid hitting any of them. He didn't just send some underling. He went himself.

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the Israelis are actually being very careful. They've obviously had to respond to Iran's rocketing them last week.


Incoming missiles REPORTEDLY from Iranian backed groups.......

Note 'reportedly.'


Yeh like they have to respond to Palestinian kids throwing stones, by dropping phosphorous on them.

I do NOT TRUST anything that comes from the Israeli press releases.

So what if Iron Dome took 90% of them down. That doesn't matter. They've got to hit them back regardless.

Notice how Bibi made a quick hop to Moscow, his umpteenth visit in the past few months, in the interim in between to get the OK from the Russians and to avoid hitting any of them. He didn't just send some underling. He went himself.


He will get short shrift from Putin, who is not as daft as he is green looking. Vlad and Lavrov will not be played.



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He will get short shrift from Putin, who is not as daft as he is green looking.




you really haven't got a clue have you. Israel and Russia are best buddies at the moment. Israel and Russia's objectives in Syria aren't contradictory at all. Trump likely had no idea or forewarning about Israel's biggest strikes in over a decade. But Putin did.

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you really haven't got a clue have you. Israel and Russia are best buddies at the moment. Israel and Russia's objectives in Syria aren't contradictory at all.


Yea, but don't let that get in the way of a good tin-foil-hat type rant :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:

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