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Military action against assad.

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tongues are wagging in both Tel Aviv and Moscow. They're saying that this love-in between Bibi and Puti is the real thing. Bibi's especially touched, because he had become careworn and depressed, having previously believed that all the other world's leaders disliked him. But Puti has showed him a genuine warmth that Bibi had never felt before. It's serious. It's even rumoured Bibi's bought a timeshare apartment in Moscow, to save money, he goes there so often.

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What a coincidence that Netty should be in Russia, just as 'Iran' launches an attack on Syria's Golan Heights that Israel is occupying???




Why do you post a link to a joke site that puts a fake headline onto what is actually a CBN article?



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Bahrain says Israel 'right to defend itself' after Syria strikes



oh look. The Arabs are rushing to Israel's defence!

if this does escalate into a conflagration, it's certainly not going to be like the others.


My bold =

Sunni Arab country’s are going to side with Israel when it comes to Shi’a Iran. Arab countries are hypocrites anyway so don’t go reading too much into it.

Israel is hated by many and loved by a few due to its hypocrisy and occupation of Palestine..


I know it’s RT but what if it’s true and Iran didn’t launch any attack? Are we being fed fake propaganda again?


Edited by mafya
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My bold =


Israel is hated by many and loved by a few due to its hypocrisy and occupation of Palestine..


another one who hasn't got a clue. That's a really key difference between the Israel and Iran. If it does escalate, and there is a major conflagration between Iran's proxies and Israel, Israel's public will be firmly behind its democratic government.


but Iran's public won't be behind their political leadership the same way at all. Most Iranians by and large couldn't care less, about Israel and the Arabs or Palestine, and they'll be questioning why their government has got itself into this expensive mess when they can't provide basic needs at home.


---------- Post added 12-05-2018 at 02:06 ----------


Puti loves Bibi - it's official


Russia, after Netanyahu visit, backs off Syria S-300 missile supplies


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My bold =

I know it’s RT but what if it’s true and Iran didn’t launch any attack? Are we being fed fake propaganda again?



I would rather trust RT than the Guardian or Express.

The link you have provided makes absolute sense to me. The information about the 'Iran missile attack on Israel' (as Trump vows to pull out of the Iran deal) comes from exactly the same propaganda source as 'Assad gassing his own people' (as the terrorists were retreating and the weapons inspectors were due??)

Edited by catpus
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All contrived to create an environment where Trump can establish his place in history to feed his narcissism. Netanyahu knows that there will never be a more exponential time to ratchet up the pressure on Iran. Western populations have been conditioned to think, in UK and France at least, that any criticism of Israel is racist. What possible reason would Iran have to provoke Israel,


Real politik

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All contrived to create an environment where Trump can establish his place in history to feed his narcissism. Netanyahu knows that there will never be a more exponential time to ratchet up the pressure on Iran. Western populations have been conditioned to think, in UK and France at least, that any criticism of Israel is racist. What possible reason would Iran have to provoke Israel,


Real politik


Absolutely true, on every point. Netanyahu and his Zionist cronies will not be satisfied until their plan is complete and they occupy the whole of ''the Promised Land.'' Palestine/Syria/Iraq/Egypt.....


Take a look at the Oden Yinon plan.

Created by Theodore Hertzl.





Wow - I am amazed by the following link...I don't know how much time you have but the next 1 hour video is an eye opener.

I was aware of a lot of it, but there is so much in there that I will need to research further. After I have had a sleep and refreshed my brain.. lol


And now see that it gives support to what Ken Livingstone said...

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