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Military action against assad.

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Absolutely true, on every point. Netanyahu and his Zionist cronies will not be satisfied until their plan is complete and they occupy the whole of ''the Promised Land.'' Palestine/Syria/Iraq/Egypt.....


Take a look at the Oden Yinon plan.

Created by Theodore Hertzl.






Back quoting moonbat conspiracy theory sites;




And Nazi apologists again.



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The United States was not particularly 'best pals' with Saddam's or Baa'thist Iraq at all as you are trying to make out.


The CIA, for a short while until it was obviously hopeless, tried to pin Halabja on Iran, IIRC.


The only people demonstrating against Iraq, in the UK around that time, were people like Jeremy Corbyn. No-one in government (or any other government) was particularly concerned with the 20 or 30 CW attacks Saddam had already perpetrated against the Kurds, because of the lucrative contracts available in the country right up to 1990.


Anyone who is labouring under the misapprehension that any of this has to do with taking a "moral stance" in the world probably needs to wake the ... up.


The great game never went away. It's all national realpolitik.

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The CIA, for a short while until it was obviously hopeless, tried to pin Halabja on Iran, IIRC.



I know that, and it was a disgraceful episode, but you shouldn't allow that to blind you to the fact that the United States backing of Iraq, was very brief.


There was no diplomatic contact at all, at any level, between Iraq and the USA between 1967 and 1983. Then they palled up for a few years when it looked like Iraq might lose the 1981-88 war. When that finished, the USA abandoned Iraq. The USA-Iraq 'alliance' the antiwar crowd made such a big thing of in the run-up to the 2003 Iraq invasion, lasted for about four years.


the USA didn't even arm Iraq all that much. They didn't have time. Almost all the weaponry the Iraqis used in the 1990-91 war, tanks, planes, guns, ammunition, about 95% of it in dollar terms, came from the USSR, China, Iraq's main backers, and, far behind them, and the only western country to make any arms sales to Iraq worth mentioning at all, France.


in 2003, the anti-war crowd tried to make out that the USA and Britain, were Iraq's main backers back then, when that was an absolute and total distortion, of the reality.


Ba'thist Iraq, like Syria, was left-leaning, and highly secular. Leftist rhetoric was an important part of their ideology and so they were in the Soviet camp, for decades - not like Egypt (but only from 1972), Saudi and others were in the USA one.


---------- Post added 13-05-2018 at 10:48 ----------



The only people demonstrating against Iraq, in the UK around that time, were people like Jeremy Corbyn.


only in that very short 'window' when they thought Iraq was briefly in the USA orbit.


When they perceived Saddam was still in the Soviet Union camp, they didn't say anything, even though Saddam's abuses were just as bad. And of course it wasn't long before Corbyn's mate, gorgeous George Galloway, went to Baghdad to salute Saddam's 'indefatigability'.

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it's basically what comes from starting off your 'research' about the Middle East by beginning with the premise that Israel and the Jews are a very bad thing, and extrapolate everything from there.


what is especially striking is that people like Catpus don't care about Palestinian Arabs at all. They only pretend to care about them, when they can use Palestinian Arabs as like a stick, to bash Israel and the Jews. When it is pointed out to them that Palestinian Arabs have suffered a great deal more grief in the past few years in Syria than they have in Israel and the territories, which is true, they just ignore it.

Edited by blake
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it's basically what comes from starting off your 'research' about the Middle East by beginning with the premise that Israel and the Jews are a very bad thing, and extrapolate everything from there.


what is especially striking is that people like Catpus don't care about Palestinian Arabs at all. They only pretend to care about them, when they can use Palestinian Arabs as like a stick, to bash Israel and the Jews. When it is pointed out to them that Palestinian Arabs have suffered a great deal more grief in the past few years in Syria than they have in Israel and the territories, which is true, they just ignore it.


my bold=

Stop making out that hating Israel means you hate Jewish people,it’s israel and the zionists that are the problem and not Jewish people so stop trying to lump Jewish people into the mix.

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care to explain, in that case, when even though very many times more Palestinian Arabs have been killed or otherwise come to grief at the hands of other Arabs in Syria, then there have been in Israel and the territories in the past few years, then there is never a peep out of the likes of you?


if you were to give us some evidence, that you actually care about the Palestinian Arabs when they are being massacred or otherwise persecuted by other Arabs, which they are, then I might be ready to believe you. But because you never even acknowledge that they are being persecuted by other Arabs more than they are being persecuted by Israelis, when it is just an indisputable fact, then I won't.

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my bold=

Stop making out that hating Israel means you hate Jewish people,it’s israel and the zionists that are the problem and not Jewish people so stop trying to lump Jewish people into the mix.

Why do you hate Isreal ??? The Country is full of Jews and Arabs has been for centuries .

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