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Military action against assad.

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For a supposed man of God he's really big on war.


We do not need to get involved any more than we are already. We don't need to be involved at all, it only makes us a bigger target for terrorists. We don't need boots on the ground. Despite being an evil dictator, Assad isn't the enemy here, it's ISIS. Let the Russians crack on with it.


Agree with that tinfoil, let putin have the hassle.

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As if anybody would believe owt this man said. He is a busted flush and should crawl back under the stone from where he came from.




Blair also wants a second EU referendum, and if the 'wrong' (Leave) result is delivered again on that one then a third vote too. Unfortunately a tiny minority of political extremists believe what he says on the EU and also want another vote to reverse the democratic result of June 2016.

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Blair also wants a second EU referendum, and if the 'wrong' (Leave) result is delivered again on that one then a third vote too. Unfortunately a tiny minority of political extremists believe what he says on the EU and also want another vote to reverse the democratic result of June 2016.



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I'm glad Blair has given his opinion; it certainly removes any notion about the Nobility of our Cause in Syria.


How convenient it was for the Tony Blairs of this world for Assad to "launch a chemical attack" which is obviously such a bad thing to do that it means Western efforts to remove Assad must be increased, just as he's nearly won and just as the US were making noises about withdrawal!


People are seeing through Blair's BS, thank goodness.

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If there was no news ,it would still be preferable to watching this clowns lips flapping in the wind :rant:


My late stepdad had him figured out early on. When he first got into power and was wildly popular, the old man said: "I neither like nor trust this nancy boy." when I was over there the year he got in, and I asked his thoughts :suspect:

Edited by Ontarian1981
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So... should we join with the Americans in air strikes against Assad in Syria?


Should Mrs May go ahead without the agreement of Parliament, or wait for a vote?


Who is the enemy here? And if Assad is overthrown are we going to have anther Iraq situation after the fall of Saddam. Let's face it both sides are as bad as each other. Isn't it a case of better the devil you know...?


Is the chemical attack a false flag? Has this situation been manipulated? And if so, who by?


IMO, a lot of questions need answering before we embark on what could escalate into WW111

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