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Military action against assad.

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Good question. I don't know any definitive answer but I believe they had some sort of colonial influence (just googled - French mandate for Syria and Lebanon) so that's one main reason perhaps. New-ish, young leader keen to get front and centre on the world stage? We had one of those.


May I think is keen to get involved to deflect from brexit, and show trump how awesome/compliant we are plus theres the whole Russian thing that's bubbling away.


We don't need to get involved. May really needs to take this to parliament - that's why it's there.


Could the whole Russian poisoning thing be part of a plan to win hearts and minds to support going in do you think? (In which case it seems to have backfired,) or is it just a coincidence / distraction?

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Could the whole Russian poisoning thing be part of a plan to win hearts and minds to support going in do you think? (In which case it seems to have backfired,) or is it just a coincidence / distraction?


I still reckon Putin or at the very least Russian higher ups were heavily involved in that poisoning in Salisbury but that's really a sideshow the big show in Syria.


Truth is, nobody knows. The press in this country really doesn't appear keen if the front pages are anything to go on. Trump appears to be initiating an armed strike through the medium of Twitter. That's a worry.

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Syrian people; men, women, and children, have been bombed and possibly attacked with chemical weapons. Call me daft, but I fail to see how bombing them with American, French and British bombs as well, is going to make their lives any better.

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Syrian people; men, women, and children, have been bombed and possibly attacked with chemical weapons. Call me daft, but I fail to see how bombing them with American, French and British bombs as well, is going to make their lives any better.


I think the so called rebels have launched the chemical attack specifically so that the West gets involved and bombs Assad for them.

The west have fell for it like muppets and I actually hope that Putin retaliates and shows the US and others that he means business.

In the link I posted earlier it states 8000 civilians were killed in the retaking of Mosul in Iraq but not a peep was heard about that.

Edited by mafya
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I'd love to know what Tony Blair actually talked about as 'Peace envoy to the Middle East.'


Whatever it was there's been nothing but trouble there so it definately hasn't been working.


Unless it was all about selling weapons to both sides, in much the same way as sending in a 'Peace keeping force' usually means bombing and shooting the **** out of the locals.

He's got to have earned his £millions somehow...

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Syrian people; men, women, and children, have been bombed and possibly attacked with chemical weapons. Call me daft, but I fail to see how bombing them with American, French and British bombs as well, is going to make their lives any better.


Come on Anna, you're not daft, you must realise the idea is to target the people who are bombing the men, women and children you refer to. You can't seriously think the idea is to keep on bombing those same people?

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This is the time for Putin to prove himself a super power leader by bringing common sense into the equation. Al-Qaeda hide amongst the innocents and Assad poisons all and sundry, why don’t they make him an offer he can’t refuse, like his life?

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