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'Windrush generation' face deportation threat.

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I think you’re right in a sense - it was the combination of the destruction of the landing cards and the new immigration policy to make it easier to deport illegal migrants that has caused this issue.


However, I don’t think either in of itself is necessarily wrong. I would have liked to think that the consequences of this on long standing and perfectly legal immigrants to the UK would have been appreciated, which clearly it hasn’t, but I do also understand that it is a very complex set of circumstances and it is not unrealistic to think this could have been unforseen.


Fair points. The 2014 Act does not specify levels of aggressiveness in pursuing individuals. It makes certain actions easier but it also leaves some leeway in forming policy.


But that is where May and Rudd end up back on the hook isn’t it, when you consider vigour applied and the willingness to make maximum use of their power.

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There was an ex-policeman speaking on radio four, when they pick someone up they have to prove that they are legally here.


when the Police pick someone up, the Police have to prove the Police are legally here?



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exactly, bunch of tossers, im more english than most, yet i struggle to prove it (sigh)


Anyway must be far later than 1983, as i left home in 1988 and thats when mi dad gave me the small birth certificate and like i say, NEVER had an issue till the past 2 years (after all the demands from right whingers over immigration), i didnt have issues using it last time i was unemployed either, pre 2004


British Nationality Act 1981, commencement date was 1983.







Prior to this act it was enough to simply be born here.

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Stupid Home Office jobsworths fuelling Corbyn and co’s fires of hatred, pull your finger out Amber Rudd and sort out the lobotomised idiot who is responsible for this, even if it’s you.


Corbyn and co's fires of hatred???

What are you on.


They have simply stated the case that this soul less, vile Tory Government are a set of braying hyenas who pat themselves on the back and fill their pockets whilst laughing in the face of the people they should be protecting.. The 'slaves' they brought over to do their dirty work.

SHAME ON THEM!!! And the lackeys who support them.

God only knows what the Windrush families had done if Corbyn and co had not spoken out!!!

Get on with your leafletting for the Tories.. they are going to need you.

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Corbyn and co's fires of hatred???

What are you on.


They have simply stated the case that this soul less, vile Tory Government are a set of braying hyenas who pat themselves on the back and fill their pockets whilst laughing in the face of the people they should be protecting.. The 'slaves' they brought over to do their dirty work.

SHAME ON THEM!!! And the lackeys who support them.

God only knows what the Windrush families had done if Corbyn and co had not spoken out!!!

Get on with your leafletting for the Tories.. they are going to need you.


about the most sensible thing youve said on the forum so far

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Once again a bit of old fashioned human common sense could have avoided this.


But we are living in an age where if 'computer says no' you're stuffed.


It wouldn't take to much effort to trace people who have worked here. The Dept. of Works & Pensions, HMRC; local councils, (Poll Tax / Council Tax), will all have records of past payments / contributions that could be used to identify those who were here.


Let's face it, if these people owed the Govt any money, they'd have no problem tracking them down.

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It wouldn't take to much effort to trace people who have worked here. The Dept. of Works & Pensions, HMRC; local councils, (Poll Tax / Council Tax), will all have records of past payments / contributions that could be used to identify those who were here.


Let's face it, if these people owed the Govt any money, they'd have no problem tracking them down.


Exactly. This should a formality.


But there is a policy to treat everybody with extreme suspicion regardless of who they are.


And that policy is clearly deliberate.

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Looks like the windrush generation are in line for some hefty payouts due to the Westminster rabble getting it wrong again. But don't despair, lessons have been learned, again.


Some one somewhere has got it all wrong, will heads roll, hang on, a pig has just flown past our window.



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