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'Windrush generation' face deportation threat.

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There's this thing called the internet Jeffrey - it allows me to read lots of opinions from around the world.


So who has this view of us?


"To outsiders we most look like a petty, mean spirited and down right stupid country."

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So who has this view of us?


"To outsiders we most look like a petty, mean spirited and down right stupid country."


If I were an outsider and I heard about a country that deports, or threatens to deport people who have lived there for over 40 years, who have contributed to that country's wealth, have raised a family there; but whose high ranking officials actions have caused those people real hardship and pain....I'd think it would be a petty, mean spirited and down right stupid country.

Not exactly Britain's finest moments is it?

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So who has this view of us?


"To outsiders we most look like a petty, mean spirited and down right stupid country."

Some older and more recent articles about the issue, for your edification and a broader picture of the problem.


The Windrush scandal is just another symptom of the same bout of political ineptitude afflicting Britain since around 2015.

Edited by L00b
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Why so? You've no idea which outsiders, let alone what they 'must' think. Talk about wish-projection!


Which 'outsiders'? People with a conscience mainly I suppose, y'know, people who think treating people like sh it because they're black and weren't born here is a really petty, mean spirited and stupid?

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  • 2 weeks later...

An interesting aspect on the Windrush deportations, from yesterday's Andrew Marr Show:


Sajid Javid said that of the 63 wrongfully removed from the UK, 32 are convicted criminals and ‘I don’t want them back’.


On the 32 convicted criminals wrongly deported, Mr Javid told Marr: ‘I’m not in touch with any of them, and I don’t want to be in touch with any of them. ‘They are serious offenders and I don’t want them back.’ He said the remaining 31 are being located and would be compensated by the government.




David Lammy compared it to Australia criminal deportations.

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One of my grandchildren works for the Home Office here in Sheffield. She's told me that this debacle is already costing the taxpayer a small fortune as they've had to set up helplines around the country to deal with the problem, paying overtime so the lines are staffed at the weekends. Add to this,.waiving the usual fees for various immigration applications. All these costs before compensation is finally paid out to those affected.


And one from the 'You couldn't make it up' column. A few weeks ago quite a few of the Windrush folk were instructed to go to a London Home Office centre to be processed & have thier claims assessed. Apparently a large number turn up only to be greeted by locked offices as it was the Bank holiday & the civil servants weren't working!

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  • 5 months later...

I was reading that we do actually deport illegals every year, over 10,000 per year.


I knew of a family member having a foreign lodger; just wondering how difficult would it be for them to stay out of the authorities grasp.

Is it easy to work and pay tax without alerting the authorities?

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