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Why do people smash stuff up when frustrated or angry?

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I'm not sure if this is something everyone experiences or not; I suppose a lot depends on what frustrations you're exposed to in life, and how equipped (mentally) you are to process them (i.e. to clearly understand what's going on, why you're ****** off, and formulate an appropriate response).


It's happened to me a few times, and I know several friends have had the same; when you feel massively overwhelmed and angry and have these irrational impulses to lash out, break stuff, smash your hand in to the door, etc.


It's sheer madness of course, if you do smash your hand, you still have the exact same problem, but now you can enjoy it with a broken hand. Maybe the best strategy sometimes is to do nothing, allow everything to overwhelm you and let things pan out however they will, you're going to die anyway, right? So why struggle?

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Do you think we can fairly judge others though, without first experiencing their frustrations? People maybe exposed to greater levels of pressure and frustration than we ourselves are; they may also not be so fortunate to have been given the same education as ourselves, or develop the same cognitive structures and coping mechanics.


Very easy to stand in judgement of another man, without first standing in his shoes. Especially on the internet!

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That’s true of many things in life but judging/judgement is crucial to staying alive and well. We are constantly weighing up our options in order to succeed. By and large, many people would choose to stay away from someone who displays this kind of behaviour, particularly women. That seems a useful and sensible judgement. It is distressing for others to witness, especially as the person is usually too angry to be reasoned with.


Usually it is men who have these violent tendencies and to a certain extent it is driven by their biology and maybe social conditioning. There are ways of dealing with it e.g. therapy, sport, distraction.


Arguably, there is less excuse for this behaviour now that we have access to information via the Internet about how to manage it.

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