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Chinese sauces with no English language on the packet

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We are not making unreasonable comparisons.


Food labelling is a health and safety requirement. I've given you an example where it contributed to someones death for example. The problem was so acute that the EU stepped in and mandated that all allergens be recorded for the benefit of cunsumers and that was also mandated that consumers must be able to read them.


I fail to understand why you think this is a bad thing, and why you think it onerous that food manufacturers cannot provide this. Almost everything I buy has multi lingual instructions, from the IKEA matress that I bought yesterday to electronics from decads past, vacuum cleaners, white goods, tins of paint, everything.


As a secondary requirement it has also been found that failure to label food correctly is a problem under the Equality Act protecting people with a significant disability in daily life. The degree of care needed to ensure that food is fit for consumption is one such protected characteristic and it is held that failing to provide a basic list of allergens (not ingredients) in a clear form is discriminatory.


Now you may well say that I can buy something else. Yes I can buy something else.


What if I can't? What if someone else goes shopping and buys me something I cannot eat? Its no different to what if I'm hit by an uninsured car. It's all fine, right up to that point.

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You know what else was illegal, dying inside the houses of parliament and taping songs on the radio (only applies to people who remember cassette tapes though)

Why are we making totally unrelated comparisons though?


Businesses big and small have to do tonnes of that costs them time and money that, unless something goes wrong, is completely pointless - (GDPR being the latest). It ****** me off when I have to do things like that but I'm expected to learn Chinese rather expect a label in English.

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I never said that it was a bad thing, you're just making stuff up.


The manufacturers though aren't selling into the UK market, so there's no chance of them adding English to the products. It's small importers supplying these small shops, and one of those 2 latter parties is responsible for adding English labelling.


If you think it's important I guess you'll need to report it to trading standards, for probably every chinese supermarket in the country, along with most of the other small foreign food speciality stores.

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Guest makapaka
I never said that it was a bad thing, you're just making stuff up.


The manufacturers though aren't selling into the UK market, so there's no chance of them adding English to the products. It's small importers supplying these small shops, and one of those 2 latter parties is responsible for adding English labelling.


If you think it's important I guess you'll need to report it to trading standards, for probably every chinese supermarket in the country, along with most of the other small foreign food speciality stores.


Yes either report it or get over it....


See if you can put some Chinese food shop out of business on the off chance that even though you have a food allergy you knowingly walk into a Chinese food store pick something up when you have no idea what ingredients are contained in it. Go home and cook it. Eat it. And then have a severe allergic reaction.


And that of course would be the Chinese shop owners fault for not telling you that there were nuts in it - not yours for being stupid.

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I never said that it was a bad thing, you're just making stuff up.


The manufacturers though aren't selling into the UK market, so there's no chance of them adding English to the products. It's small importers supplying these small shops, and one of those 2 latter parties is responsible for adding English labelling.


If you think it's important I guess you'll need to report it to trading standards, for probably every chinese supermarket in the country, along with most of the other small foreign food speciality stores.


If I find one without appropriate labelling then yes I do report them. Its the only way to stop them doing it that seems to work.

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Yes either report it or get over it....


See if you can put some Chinese food shop out of business on the off chance that even though you have a food allergy you knowingly walk into a Chinese food store pick something up when you have no idea what ingredients are contained in it. Go home and cook it. Eat it. And then have a severe allergic reaction.


And that of course would be the Chinese shop owners fault for not telling you that there were nuts in it - not yours for being stupid.


It wouldn't. They would be given a set amount of time to label everything up in English, or get their importer to do it for them.

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Guest makapaka
It wouldn't. They would be given a set amount of time to label everything up in English, or get their importer to do it for them.


Ok - change put out business for create unnecessary inconvenience and cost for some Chinese store owner.

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