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Chinese sauces with no English language on the packet

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stop all packets being mislabelled, just like when almost all boarding houses had "no blacks no irish" signs in the windows....


just what, exactly, is 'mislabelling' about that.


it's not mislabelling at all. It means exactly what it says : that whoever put the sign up doesn't want any blacks or Irish staying there.

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Guest makapaka
Do keep up with the thread....


You aren’t being oppressed on a comparable level with racism no matter how many times you say it.

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You aren’t being oppressed on a comparable level with racism no matter how many times you say it.


Considering I've never said that I am, I will expect an apology or retraction from you for that.


The Equality Act however does equate the individual acts as the same.

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You aren't being tortured by an amnesiac one legged squirrel right now.


You didn't claim you were, I'm not sure why you think that makes you entitled to an apology though...


---------- Post added 24-04-2018 at 16:38 ----------


And when I cannot identify any of the ingredients in any food wrappign what then?

Don't buy it.

We covered this many pages ago.

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You aren't being tortured by an amnesiac one legged squirrel right now.


You didn't claim you were, I'm not sure why you think that makes you entitled to an apology though...


---------- Post added 24-04-2018 at 16:38 ----------


Don't buy it.

We covered this many pages ago.


Ok, say i'm a shop keep - what other silly laws can I break? Is there a list available?

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No - you think you covered it. I want to know why you are so seemingly intolerant of people who are disabled now - I used to think you were a fairly reasonable poster.


You keep throwing that one at reasonable posters Obelix!


Look through your posts in this thread,. You're starting to sound rather silly.

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