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Chinese sauces with no English language on the packet

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There's a proportionality difference isn't there.

You can't use 1 shop in 100, he can't use 2 taxi's in 3.

And once you know you can't use that shop, you don't go there.

Taxis however come to you or are picked at random on the street, so you can't just 'go' to a suitable taxi unlike being able to go to the 99 in 100 suitable grocery shops.


Trivial minor inconvenience for you, constant, large inconvenience for the wheelchair user and taxis.


You'll find it's a lot more than 1-100 and loads of chains haven't even considered it. There are reports in the press highlighting it on a regular basis.

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Fair enough, I've only ever noticed it myself in small independent shops that clearly import a lot of stuff for their own ex-pat community.


Sorry, should have clarified I was on about disabled access rather than food labelling in the big chains.


Having said all that, Sainsbury's has some interesting stuff in their world food bit - I wonder if that's properly labelled. I'll have a look tonight if remember/can be arsed.

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