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You said ''Ill agree, America does have a racial problem. BLM Racists calling for the death of cops, whites or anyone who is not 'of colour'.''


This sentence appears to suggest that you don't believe the large number of blacks killed by the police is indicative of racism.....snipped...

No it isnt. You have a really skewed view on things.

The fact is, blacks are more violent and more racist than any other section of society.

Look at the US prisons, filled to bursting with black people. Are they all in there because of racist cops and judges?

By the way, Do you think the Hands up dont shoot rubbish was anything other than a lie?

Do you?


---------- Post added 23-04-2018 at 18:28 ----------


As far as I know BLM activists haven't killed anyone.


Then you do not know a great deal and any credibility you may have had has now gone up in a puff of hot air.

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No it isnt. You have a really skewed view on things.

The fact is, blacks are more violent and more racist than any other section of society.

Not true.

Look at the US prisons, filled to bursting with black people. Are they all in there because of racist cops and judges?

Not all, but lots.

By the way, Do you think the Hands up dont shoot rubbish was anything other than a lie?

Do you?


I accept that there is forensic evidence that contradicts the claim his hands were up - but that doesn't stop it being a great slogan and a great symbol.


Then you do not know a great deal and any credibility you may have had has now gone up in a puff of hot air.


Find and post credible evidence that refutes me if you want to damage my credibility.

Otherwise, you're the one blowing hot air - like wise with the frankly racist claim you made about blacks at the start.

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Not true.


It is true. Look in the vast majority of countries where blacks live in large numbers.

Prisons are rammed with them.

Look at Africa. For the most part it is a lawless, violent heap.



Not all, but lots.

How many?

Whats the %?


---------- Post added 23-04-2018 at 19:32 ----------


Otherwise, you're the one blowing hot air - like wise with the frankly racist claim you made about blacks at the start.


There we go. Like clockwork. :thumbsup:

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Racism is the norm all over the World .

In South Africa last week a gang of blacks attacked a barbecue in Stilbaai a coastal village ,they shot the Grandmother as she was sat drinking wine ,guests were bound Beaten and tortured for hours by the intruders who demanded all the cash and valuables .

The gang were shouting that they hated all white people .

No arrests have been made.

Racism exists in every society and always has done ,the thing is that it is reported on so much more when it happens in the West.

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This is factually incorrect. See here - https://www.channel4.com/news/factcheck/factcheck-black-americans-commit-crime


I'd recommend that link to C4's Fact check site as very good and balanced view of a very complex issue.


Umm, according to that site it IS factually correct:


"It’s true that around 13 per cent of Americans are black, according to the latest estimates from the US Census Bureau.


And yes, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. "

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Umm, according to that site it IS factually correct:


"It’s true that around 13 per cent of Americans are black, according to the latest estimates from the US Census Bureau.


And yes, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. "


Wasting your time mate.

Some people just don't want to know.

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seeing as blacks make up roughly half of all US homicide victims as well as perpetrators, then it doesn't mean all that much, does it.


It might mean something if blacks were 50% of the perpetrators but only 20% of the victims, but they're not. The numbers of black perpetrators, and black homicide victims, are about the same.


also only in about 40% of all US homicides are the backgrounds of both the victim and the perpetrators known at all. The rest, 60% of all homicides, the backgrounds of both perpetrator and victim is not known.

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Umm, according to that site it IS factually correct:


"It’s true that around 13 per cent of Americans are black, according to the latest estimates from the US Census Bureau.


And yes, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. "


Yeah, I concede I misread the report - having re-read it however it's quite clear that it in no way supports Dimple's racist observations about black people.

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Yeah, I concede I misread the report - having re-read it however it's quite clear that it in no way supports Dimple's racist observations about black people.


How is my observation racist?

Or are you just using the age old SJW tactic of trying to stifle debate?

Hot tip, It wont work :thumbsup:

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How is my observation racist?

Or are you just using the age old SJW tactic of trying to stifle debate?

Hot tip, It wont work :thumbsup:


If you don't know, ask an intelligent friend.

Besides being a racist observation it isn't true and you've provided no evidence to support it, so the onus of proof lies with you to support your claim.

I've no intention of stifling debate - come up with some evidence and I'll happily debate it with you.


Until then your suggestion that 'blacks are more violent and more racist than any other section of society' is in my view simply a racist lie.

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