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3 anti muslim / immigrant members found guilty

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If you don't know, ask an intelligent friend.


Awwww. Don't be so mean.


Besides being a racist observation it isn't true and you've provided no evidence to support it, so the onus of proof lies with you to support your claim.

I take my inspiration from you my bestest internet friend.

Look it up for yourself or are you bone idle?


I've no intention of stifling debate - come up with some evidence and I'll happily debate it with you.


See my previous comment.



Until then your suggestion that 'blacks are more violent and more racist than any other section of society' is in my view simply a racist lie.


And I 100% accept Its just your view. My view differs from yours.

When all said and done this is just a forum on the internet where people share differing viewpoints. The fact you just said all you did without resorting to insults and name calling is rather refreshing if Im honest.

Nice chatting with you fella. Hope to do it again some time :thumbsup:

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Awwww. Don't be so mean.



I take my inspiration from you my bestest internet friend.

Look it up for yourself or are you bone idle?



See my previous comment.




And I 100% accept Its just your view. My view differs from yours.

When all said and done this is just a forum on the internet where people share differing viewpoints. The fact you just said all you did without resorting to insults and name calling is rather refreshing if Im honest.

Nice chatting with you fella. Hope to do it again some time :thumbsup:


Still just a racist lie then.

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