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Factory canteens


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I started using canteens in my early teenage years. I used to go fishing in the river and ponds below dam flask. We ate our sandwiches and popped into Marshall's Refractories for a pudding. We got them for nowt, sometimes :-)

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I worked a lot of years at Footprint Tools where the canteen did a good choice of hot meals and sandwiches. One of my favourites was the meat and potato pie which we called ' idle pie' because after eating that with a pile of mushy peas you didn't feel like doing any work.

These meals cost about 50p in the 80's with a dessert 10p extra.

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I started using canteens in my early teenage years. I used to go fishing in the river and ponds below dam flask. We ate our sandwiches and popped into Marshall's Refractories for a pudding. We got them for nowt, sometimes :-)


Marshall's was the one I remember I used to work there from time to time great canteen. Sadly no longer there

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When I worked at Howsons Allgraphy in Leeds in the 90's you could have a three course lunch, cheese and biscuits, tea or coffee and fresh fruit for absolutely nothing. The firm was making such good profits that they threw in free meals. The caterers were a Sheffield company, the name escapes me and it was good food, Think I put on about 3 stone whilst I worked there.

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When I worked at Howsons Allgraphy in Leeds in the 90's you could have a three course lunch, cheese and biscuits, tea or coffee and fresh fruit for absolutely nothing. The firm was making such good profits that they threw in free meals. The caterers were a Sheffield company, the name escapes me and it was good food, Think I put on about 3 stone whilst I worked there.


Not sure if they were a Sheffield company but was it Gardner-Merchant ? I used to work as a contractor at Bassett's. When they took over the canteen, prices increased the quality decreased and nasty attitudal serving staff too.

Edited by St Petre
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In the 70s to 90s the canteen at Fletchers Bakeries took some beating ,all the meals were just like home made!. We never set off in the morning without a full cooked breakfast and we made sure that we finished our journeys to get back in time for the excellent dinner,it must have been good because Paul Fletcher him self dined there quite regulally!.In the 90s it all changed with various private outfits taking over the catering,it was ok but not up to the standards of the original set up when Doris was in charge!.When I went over to long distance on the freezer department I sampled canteens all over the country,the best of which was the Safeway depot canteens,they were cheap and top quality,the company was taken over by Morrisons whom we didn t trade with so it was goodbye breakfast for me!.

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