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Mice! Help! Please!

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We thought we had a mouse after hearing rustling in the home. I bought a couple of traps, set them last night & this morning the bait is gone, but neither of the traps have triggered! Ok, so now we KNOW for sure that there’s a mouse / mice, but what on earth can we do now? Why have the traps not triggered? Please help! My mum is in her 70’s & I’m her carer. I should be on my way to work shortly, but can’t leave her as she’s not able bodied & shaking in fear ?

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Sorry to sound harsh, but your Mum needs to get a grip so you can get to work - there's absolutely nothing you can do right now. Explain to Mum that a mouse or mice pose no immediate threat to her safety and wellbeing and rebait your traps for tonight. You might need to repeat the process several times.

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What Halibut says.


What are you using for bait? You want something sticky that they cannot snatch that they have to lick off the trigger plate which will increase the chance of being caught. Peanut butter, or a drop of molten chocolate (which then solidifies) catches mice best I found.

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Use peanut butter on the traps. They cant just snatch it and run.

As for the traps, I got these for a relative recently




They are cheap and worked a treat.

And as others have said, Tell your mum not to worry too much :thumbsup:

Edited by Dimple
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I had mice in the kitchen, kept setting the traps, the bait kept disappearing, but the traps never triggered. I could"nt understand why, so one night I stopped up patiently watching...... and found out why.............they were working in pairs, one mouse held the trap down, while the other one snaffled the bait.

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I had mice in the kitchen, kept setting the traps, the bait kept disappearing, but the traps never triggered. I could"nt understand why, so one night I stopped up patiently watching...... and found out why.............they were working in pairs, one mouse held the trap down, while the other one snaffled the bait.


Did the mouse holding the trap down look like this?



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Thank you all for your advice! It’s very much appreciated, though just to add that you’ve no idea of my mother’s circumstances, mental wellbeing, fitness levels etc, so while I really do appreciate your help regarding my query, I don’t appreciate the two of you who thought that I should be telling my mother to ‘get a grip’. My mother is my rock & my best friend & has done more for me in my 35 years than I could ever start to repay (not that she would ever expect that of me). I’m doing for her exactly what I want to do for her & not what’s expected. I just wanted a bit of advice to enable to do this as best as I possibly can!

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Pest-Stop Sure-Set traps are very good: you can get them from Screwfix, catalogue number 70203. I tried peanut butter but it was very messy & the mice didn't seem interested. I found that a non-crumbly cheese eg Red Leicester wedged solidly into the bait receptacle worked a treat.

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