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Cyclists going through red lights. Localised colour blindness?

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Interesting development from one school:


Children to be banned from cycling to school without number plates



A number of schools have proposed this over the last 12-18 months and have then had to qualify it after the backlash, not least on the problem with vehicle pollution close the schools and its effect on kids health. Add that to our childhood obesity problem.


This school having just encouraged kids to cycle to school at the start of the new term, then put in the number plate rule in a knee-jerk reaction to one incident, then they then issued a follow-up statement.


“We fully support cycling to school, which is a sustainable means of transport and provides great exercise"


Turns out kids who travel actively, walk or cycle to school at least some of their journey, are more alert and respond better in lessons (well knock me down with a feather, who'd have thought that)


why didn't they avoid all the headlines and make a positive change?


a) provide free training at school up to bikabilty level 2. Trainer rides the route with kids to assess a particular hazard the child can then show they have assessed the hazards on the route and will be issued with a certificate. If not available in Carshalton there are plenty of providers in the wider London area. The school and parents need to lobby the local council to sign up.




The Dutch have a road safety exam for 10 - 12 yr olds taken at school which makes much sense.




b ) The school joins the campaign for the 20mph roads, not just in the last 100m but in the wider local area.


c) Implement a parking ban outside the school during the pickup and drop off times, at least 100m in both directions or if appropriate a complete car-free zone during these times.

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c) Implement a parking ban outside the school during the pickup and drop off times, at least 100m in both directions or if appropriate a complete car-free zone during these times.


This is in place at the primary school at the end of my road by way of a timed urban clearway. Not once have I seen it adhered to.


If you're going to do this then it needs enforcement. Easiest option a few unmarked vehicles with an internal ANPR, send them out to school areas at regular but randomised days. Attach 3 points with each fine and it'll soon stop.

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This is in place at the primary school at the end of my road by way of a timed urban clearway. Not once have I seen it adhered to.


If you're going to do this then it needs enforcement. Easiest option a few unmarked vehicles with an internal ANPR, send them out to school areas at regular but randomised days. Attach 3 points with each fine and it'll soon stop.


SCC are about to bring back the enforcement cars that Eric Pickle wanted to ban. My understanding is they will be used to enforce the ban on engine idling outside schools.

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As you cannot hear cycles behind you now, when a women came flying past me on our country lane, setting my dog off barking her head off, I asked politely if she could ring a bell or shout to let us know she is there, she stops and yells at me "Why I'm not causing an obstruction, I said "no but you could cause at accident" At that she starts to cycle off being abusive as she did so. Hope she don't pass me again, I will not be so polite. I really detest cyclist, they think the rest of us owe them a right of way.

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SCC are about to bring back the enforcement cars that Eric Pickle wanted to ban. My understanding is they will be used to enforce the ban on engine idling outside schools.


I think you may have misunderstood how the camera vehicles are used.


Eric Pickles restricted the use of cameras for enforcement of parking, but did not ban it altogether.


Camera cars can still be used for enforcing school keep clear markings and bus stop clearways. Red Routes can also be enforced by camera and SCC are introducing one at Baslow Rd.


Anti idling can't be enforced by camera as an ANPR camera can't detect whether an engine is running or not. The enforcement officer has to see the car parked with the engine running, approach the driver and ask them to turn the engine off and only then could a ticket be issued if the driver does not comply.

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As you cannot hear cycles behind you now, when a women came flying past me on our country lane, setting my dog off barking her head off, I asked politely if she could ring a bell or shout to let us know she is there, she stops and yells at me "Why I'm not causing an obstruction, I said "no but you could cause at accident" At that she starts to cycle off being abusive as she did so. Hope she don't pass me again, I will not be so polite. I really detest cyclist, they think the rest of us owe them a right of way.


No, you detest ignorant people. Cyclists are not a different species.


That's like me saying I detest pedestrians (even though I am one!), because they don't look where they're going (as they have to be constantly looking at their phones), or stop in doorways or at the bottom of an escalator to look around, oblivious of the people behind them...


It's behaviour that's the problem, which is not necessarily defined by mode of transportation.

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