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Cyclists going through red lights. Localised colour blindness?

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No, you detest ignorant people. Cyclists are not a different species.


That's like me saying I detest pedestrians (even though I am one!), because they don't look where they're going (as they have to be constantly looking at their phones), or stop in doorways or at the bottom of an escalator to look around, oblivious of the people behind them...


It's behaviour that's the problem, which is not necessarily defined by mode of transportation.


One of the most sensible posts on the thread.

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c) Implement a parking ban outside the school during the pickup and drop off times, at least 100m in both directions or if appropriate a complete car-free zone during these times.


We have one of those, plus the anti-idle, at our local primary and you cant see the signs for the fumes for the idling cars and the parked ones, and the near gridlock caused by parents dropping off their little darlings

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We have one of those, plus the anti-idle, at our local primary and you cant see the signs for the fumes for the idling cars and the parked ones, and the near gridlock caused by parents dropping off their little darlings


So it becomes a matter of the fact that the authorities choose not to enforce measures that they've introduced...


---------- Post added 26-09-2018 at 08:27 ----------


As you cannot hear cycles behind you now, when a women came flying past me on our country lane, setting my dog off barking her head off, I asked politely if she could ring a bell or shout to let us know she is there, she stops and yells at me "Why I'm not causing an obstruction, I said "no but you could cause at accident" At that she starts to cycle off being abusive as she did so. Hope she don't pass me again, I will not be so polite. I really detest cyclist, they think the rest of us owe them a right of way.


So a cyclist passes you, and apart from surprising your dog there is no issue.

But you start shouting at them, loud enough that they hear it (despite flying past) and they stop... And they are unsurprisingly upset at you shouting at them, but you're surprised. And so you launch into a sweeping generalisation about cyclists.

Now, which person is the problem here, cyclists who safely passed you, or you, shouting at strangers because they surprised you?

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As you cannot hear cycles behind you now, when a women came flying past me on our country lane, setting my dog off barking her head off, I asked politely if she could ring a bell or shout to let us know she is there, she stops and yells at me "Why I'm not causing an obstruction, I said "no but you could cause at accident" At that she starts to cycle off being abusive as she did so. Hope she don't pass me again, I will not be so polite. I really detest cyclist, they think the rest of us owe them a right of way.


How are you and your bad tempered little mutt going to cope when its a silent electric car in the near future?

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As you cannot hear cycles behind you now, when a women came flying past me on our country lane, setting my dog off barking her head off, I asked politely if she could ring a bell or shout to let us know she is there, she stops and yells at me "Why I'm not causing an obstruction, I said "no but you could cause at accident" At that she starts to cycle off being abusive as she did so. Hope she don't pass me again, I will not be so polite. I really detest cyclist, they think the rest of us owe them a right of way.


Might I suggest you train your dog to be a little more temperate. If I had a dog barking like that at me I think I would probably have rude words too for you...

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