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Cyclists going through red lights. Localised colour blindness?

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No, I do understand that part of it, especially if a prosecution helps with an insurance claim for a severe disability.


But I choose instead to accept there are evil motorists on the road who hate me when I'm on my pushbike or motorbike, and I try to adapt my riding style and ride over cautiously. I just couldn't be bothered faffing about with cameras every time I go out for a ride. Each to there own I guess.


Actually, assuming every driver is completely incompetant is a good policy. Assuming they haven't seen you also works.. however, that didn't help me when being hit from behind by a white van (as has happened to me, leaving me in a heap in the gutter as they drove off)... it can help, but won't protect you from all the idiots.

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Short of not riding there's no way to avoid the totally homicidal or totally incompetent.

The camera might help you get justice applied though.

It's really little effort for me to turn on 2 cameras before my commute, takes me about 10 seconds. And I have to charge them once a week, no big deal, carry them into the office or house, plug into usb chargers.

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Actually, assuming every driver is completely incompetant is a good policy.

Yes- for drivers as well as for cyclists.

When I learned to drive, I was told to regard all other road-users as murderous psychopaths intent on causing harm and to steer well clear of 'em all. Who was it who first said that the most dangerous part of a car is the nut behind the wheel?

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  • 3 months later...
This is knee jerk politics. The current system was able to prosecute, convict and jail the cyclist who killed the lady that led to this item being in the news.




From the article linked above:


In 2016, 448 pedestrians were killed on our roads, but only three of those cases involved bicycles. And in the last 10 years 99.4% of all pedestrian deaths involved a motor vehicle.


Still, we should let the angry motorists vent their collective spleens once in a while, after being cooped up in a metal coffin for several hours a day

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From the article linked above:


In 2016, 448 pedestrians were killed on our roads, but only three of those cases involved bicycles. And in the last 10 years 99.4% of all pedestrian deaths involved a motor vehicle.


Still, we should let the angry motorists vent their collective spleens once in a while, after being cooped up in a metal coffin for several hours a day


That's as maybe but it is not the 'angry motorists' that the arrogant cyclists are injuring, it is the pedestrian that they injure as they hurtle up and down the pavement with no regard for pedestrians, never mind ignoring all red lights

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