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The annoying oven cleaning man ..

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"Is it time to have your oven professionally cleaned?" these automatic calls from a Sheffield number are driving me demented .. surely there must be data protection laws against these nuisance calls ...


Does he really think hes going to get permission to clean my oven after this call plague ?


Maybe only lazy stupid people who dont clean their ovens will take him up on the offer ... has anyone else had these nuisance calls and what can I do to get rid of him?

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We were having persistent calls from an energy company for someone that doesn't and to my knowledge never has lived here, calling up to 4 times a day they kept promising to amend their records and still the calls continued.


As we are with Sky we simply activated Sky Talk Shield and that got rid of them

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"Is it time to have your oven professionally cleaned?" these automatic calls from a Sheffield number are driving me demented .. surely there must be data protection laws against these nuisance calls ...


Does he really think hes going to get permission to clean my oven after this call plague ?


Maybe only lazy stupid people who dont clean their ovens will take him up on the offer ... has anyone else had these nuisance calls and what can I do to get rid of him?


If you let it run to the end of the recording there is an option to stop future calls.

I’m not sure yet if it’s a permanent solution but so far so good.

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At least he doesnt post around here, posting in threads with one or two word posts (which add nothing to the thread) in batches just to promote the company in his signature...


Removals guy? ?

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The best way to get rid of cold calling is to give one of them a made up story of bad health and poverty chuck in you live in a council house and have recently been made bankrupt that should stop most of them, well it worked for me.

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