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Shooting in Meersbrook?

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Because it's not very newsworthy?


Opinions differ, but yes I would say that someone getting shot in the middle of Sheffield is newsworthy.


Certainly worthy of more time than it got. And certainly when compared to the formulaic dross that Look North punt out every night.

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1996: Handguns to be banned in the UK after Dunblane. Which they were. My question, where are all these illegal handguns coming from. There was no point removing the legal guns, it's the illegal ones that should have been removed. How, don't ask me, that's what we pay the Parasites in Parliament to sort out. Removing the legal ones was an easy target and made the Government of the day look as if they were doing something about gun crime.



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1996: Handguns to be banned in the UK after Dunblane. Which they were. My question, where are all these illegal handguns coming from. There was no point removing the legal guns, it's the illegal ones that should have been removed. How, don't ask me, that's what we pay the Parasites in Parliament to sort out. Removing the legal ones was an easy target and made the Government of the day look as if they were doing something about gun crime.




Gun crime is still significantly rarer than is other countries, such as the USA, where guns are more readily available. I suspect there would be far more gun crime if the Government hadn't banned them. Even in the UK, people who really need a gun are legally allowed them.

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That park used to be very nice indeed used to take my kids to that park on a regular basis . Would not dare to do that now ( and they both are 6 ft tall now) . You have got to feel sorry for the many decent people who live around that area must be scary . It only takes a few idiots to spoil for the many .

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Gun crime is still significantly rarer than is other countries, such as the USA, where guns are more readily available. I suspect there would be far more gun crime if the Government hadn't banned them. Even in the UK, people who really need a gun are legally allowed them.


Yes, without a doubt.

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That park used to be very nice indeed used to take my kids to that park on a regular basis . Would not dare to do that now ( and they both are 6 ft tall now) . You have got to feel sorry for the many decent people who live around that area must be scary . It only takes a few idiots to spoil for the many .


is it really that bad now ?


I last visited Meersbrook Park a couple of years ago, with a lady I was romantically linked with at the time, and it was a beautiful setting, especially at the top end of the park, where Bishops House stands.


The House itself was lovely, and the views from the top of the hill were amazing.


We stayed there for seemingly hours, watching the fine city of Sheffield go by.


The only unfortunate thing we noticed about the park that day was the dog mess. We had to watch every step because it seemed the entire park, the grass and even the paths were covered in dog poo.


Has the park really deteriorated into a no-go zone for young couples and families so much, that quickly ?

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is it really that bad now ?


I last visited Meersbrook Park a couple of years ago, with a lady I was romantically linked with at the time, and it was a beautiful setting, especially at the top end of the park, where Bishops House stands.


The House itself was lovely, and the views from the top of the hill were amazing.


We stayed there for seemingly hours, watching the fine city of Sheffield go by.


The only unfortunate thing we noticed about the park that day was the dog mess. We had to watch every step because it seemed the entire park, the grass and even the paths were covered in dog poo.


Has the park really deteriorated into a no-go zone for young couples and families so much, that quickly ?


Appears to be at the top end of the park, near Bishops House, as the 22 yr old victim was making his way to the Cross Scythes pub on Derbyshire Lane.

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is it really that bad now ?


I last visited Meersbrook Park a couple of years ago, with a lady I was romantically linked with at the time, and it was a beautiful setting, especially at the top end of the park, where Bishops House stands.


The House itself was lovely, and the views from the top of the hill were amazing.


We stayed there for seemingly hours, watching the fine city of Sheffield go by.


The only unfortunate thing we noticed about the park that day was the dog mess. We had to watch every step because it seemed the entire park, the grass and even the paths were covered in dog poo.


Has the park really deteriorated into a no-go zone for young couples and families so much, that quickly ?


No it hasnt. I take my 2 children fairly regularly as its our local park. Ive never encountered anything or anyone that id deem a threat or dangerous. Although ive never walked through after 7pm.

Its often busy with dog walkers and people with children during the day.

Im so sad this has happened so close by, and wish the poor boy a speedy recovery.

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I am afraid it is not very nice at the moment while the basic park is still there , on the occasion I went back there were several large groups of youngish people shouting and throwing bottles about . Did not stay long enough to make a comment on dog mess but were a couple of dog owners walking their dogs have got to say the dogs were on leads . It was quite late in the day when I went 6.30 is . So don't know about earlier in day. Like I said the park has still got its basics which is nice

Edited by parkydave
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