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Get out and start spending

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I buy most of my stuff online, from clothing to food. Postage tends to be cheaper than parking.

Can't remember the last time I went to a shop to buy clothes, but, for somethings only a shop will do. (Yes, I know this seems to negate my opening statement cyclone, we're talking averages here)


In the last week I've probably spent bout 100 online, 100 in local supermarkets and 100 in local shops (hardware stores an garden centres).


There is a future for both, market forces will determine the balance.

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Said it before and say it again - the internet will lead to the end of society as we know it.


Its growing like cancer.

I have been on internet since 1993 and seen it change change and change into something from being free from the creative developers. To an internet taken over by money hungry selfish egoists.


Society is and has been misleading. You are an individual free from society. If society comes to the end you will live again free from its blinding rules and regulations that makes you think you are a part of society.

Society is like a prison, as soon as you see that you are free.

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Its growing like cancer.

I have been on internet since 1993 and seen it change change and change into something from being free from the creative developers. To an internet taken over by money hungry selfish egoists.


Society is and has been misleading. You are an individual free from society. If society comes to the end you will live again free from its blinding rules and regulations that makes you think you are a part of society.

Society is like a prison, as soon as you see that you are free.


society is not a prison. it's society that protects you and allows you to live in your delusion.

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when I first came here 20 years ago prices in stores were 200% inflated and it was £50 cheaper to fly to New York and back to buy a stereo than getting same stereo in meadowhall. We used to load the car full with items we wanted before driving back to UK saving hundreds of pounds. Thank the internet for waking up sleepy ripped off britans.


---------- Post added 28-04-2018 at 09:46 ----------


society is not a prison. it's society that protects you and allows you to live in your delusion.


We are getting off topic and that is partly my fault. I am free from society now and see what it does to imprison people who believe in it. If you wish to continue this discussion we start a new topic. OK?

Edited by dutch
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Its growing like cancer.

I have been on internet since 1993 and seen it change change and change into something from being free from the creative developers. To an internet taken over by money hungry selfish egoists.


I was first online in the 80s when it cost an absolute fortune. £100 for a modem, same or more for the computer. Then there was your monthly subscription and phone charges.


If you were online in 1993 surely you would have also paid for a subscription before Freeserve came along?

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Another retailer Pound World has announced it's intent to close a quarter of it's shops in the UK.


This follows on from announcement from other high street retailers this year allong similar lines. Many retailers blaming the internet and on-line shopping for the reduction in footfall.


If we want the streets in future to be ruled over by ferral gangs and the only people outside are delivery drivers in armoured vans then we are going in the right direction. We need to get off our <removed> and go to the shops, go for a pint, talk to real people. Becauase if we don't the future is bleak. On-line will destroy communities and the economy because on-line isn't real.


Read this, then switch it off and go out. I'll see you in the pub later...


Other than grocery shopping, it's not very often that I actually need to buy anything. I'm not going to just go out and wastefully buy random stuff.

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I buy everything I possibly can on-line except for food.

It must be 20 odd years or more since I went shopping in the city centre and 5 or more since I ventured into Meadowhall.

I can't see the point in trawling round shops, tiring myself out, then coming home with virtually nothing.

At home I can sit in a comfy chair, warm and dry, eat and drink whatever and whenever I want without paying over inflated prices.

I shop when it's convenient for me, at any time day or night ( even Christmas day if I want to ! ) not restricted to shop opening times.

I don't have to carry any shopping around with me from shop to shop, I click a button and have whatever I've bought delivered to my door usually within days and more often than not for free.

The choice is enormous and worldwide. Maybe I've been lucky but I've never had any problem in returning anything.

It's easy to compare items in different places. I can browse without any intention of buying without sales assistants constantly asking if I need any help or if I'm OK !!

No problem with parking and I save on petrol too.

Why the hell would I want to go out shopping ?

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Guest makapaka
Quoted for truth . . . and posted on the Internet :D


A forum for people in Sheffield is not the bit I'm worried about.

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I buy everything I possibly can on-line except for food.

It must be 20 odd years or more since I went shopping in the city centre and 5 or more since I ventured into Meadowhall.

I can't see the point in trawling round shops, tiring myself out, then coming home with virtually nothing.

At home I can sit in a comfy chair, warm and dry, eat and drink whatever and whenever I want without paying over inflated prices.

I shop when it's convenient for me, at any time day or night ( even Christmas day if I want to ! ) not restricted to shop opening times.

I don't have to carry any shopping around with me from shop to shop, I click a button and have whatever I've bought delivered to my door usually within days and more often than not for free.

The choice is enormous and worldwide. Maybe I've been lucky but I've never had any problem in returning anything.

It's easy to compare items in different places. I can browse without any intention of buying without sales assistants constantly asking if I need any help or if I'm OK !!

No problem with parking and I save on petrol too.

Why the hell would I want to go out shopping ?


Get some excercise maybe? :hihi:

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