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Dressdown days in the workplace – who has views on them?

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Hiya. I got a new temp job of recent working in a office in the city centre doing typing and filing etc. I do letters to people about there insurance and boring stuff like that. Anyway, there’s this thing they do at my workplace and it just seems weird to me. They do these ‘dressdown days’ where everyone is free to come to work in civilian attire, if you see what I mean. People come every Friday in scruffy jeans and even t-shirts with slogans emblazoned on them! One gentleman even wears a based ball cap!! It just makes me think are there no standards of decency anymore in modern British workplaces? I was brought up to expect people to do there best and that includes ‘looking the part’ when working in offices.

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I worked at Ventura in Wath. Dress down day was arranged on a Friday. Participants were encouraged to contribute £1 which went to that month's charitable cause.

Dress down day is a way of showing that everyone is human underneath the company garb. it is a bit like working in a bank with suits and ties everyday then being shocked at seeing a colleague on his day off appear on the other side of the counter dressed as a punk!

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Are you customer facing? if not, prolly why, its probably moral boosting to put some excitement into a boring office environment.

On a side note, at my last place the managing director used to come in on fridays if he didnt have external meetings in his "normal" clothes, hes a rocker with big hair so he came in dressed like a gay cowboy LOL

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I'm liking the Mary Whitehouse impression the OP's doing!


One thing I do know is that dress code or no dress code, it makes no difference.


Some people manage to look smart and stylish in casual clothes, some manage to look like a dog's dinner in "smart" attire!

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Dress down day is a way of showing that everyone is human underneath the company garb. it is a bit like working in a bank with suits and ties everyday then being shocked at seeing a colleague on his day off appear on the other side of the counter dressed as a punk!


But we know we're humans don't we? Reminds me of that Killers song where he sings “Are we human? Or are we bankers?”. Actually, that’s exactly the same as the point you’re making, Sir! It’s fine to be a punk rocker but not in work time. That’s my point. You leave your weird lifestyle at the door and you do a good job to the best of your ability. Doubt it’d be safe for one of these so called ‘punks’ to come to work with the safety pins everywhere. I’m passionate about health and safety and I just envisage problems there. Also, don’t they sniff the glue (or Tippex in the office environment).


On a side note, at my last place the managing director used to come in on fridays if he didnt have external meetings in his "normal" clothes, hes a rocker with big hair so he came in dressed like a gay cowboy LOL


I’m sure he was a nice man but that’s just inappropriate for the Sheffield workplace. It’s prejudice against both gheys AND cowboys. No. Not on. Not on at all.


---------- Post added 02-05-2018 at 14:12 ----------


I'm liking the Mary Whitehouse impression the OP's doing!


One thing I do know is that dress code or no dress code, it makes no difference.


Some people manage to look smart and stylish in casual clothes, some manage to look like a dog's dinner in "smart" attire!


I know what you mean, but FYI I do look rather dapper in my specially tailored three piece suite.

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I've never seen the point of dress down Fridays.


It's simple really...


If a certain style or uniform is really necessary, for whatever reason, then it is necessary. So it is not acceptable to work in mufti.


Conversely, if casual attire is acceptable on Fridays, then clearly the "uniform" was never really necessary in the first place. So what was the point of insisting on it.

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One of my relatives works for the Home Office in Sheffield.


Front line staff, dealing with the public must where the uniform provided. Back office staff, depending on which section / floor you're working on have to dress in business attire with no visible tattoos showing, while the rest can dress as they please as long as they're not wearing football tops but visible tattoos are allowed.


Apparently the result is a bit of mish-mash. No wonder the Home Office is in a bit of a mess.

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